
#1 The U.S.A.


During my teenage years, when I was captivated by American culture, visiting vintage clothing stores and curiosity shops on my days off became a daily routine. The air was filled with a distinctive scent of fabric softener, mingled with the nostalgic essence of old-fashioned America, a memory that remains vivid to this day. From vintage LEVI'S and Lee denim to Champion college sweatshirts, American car license plates, neon signs reminiscent of bars, and even old Coca-Cola bottles, these stores displayed treasures that were like precious gems to my younger self. Armed with knowledge gleaned from magazines like "Boon" and "mono magazine," and money earned from part-time jobs, searching for these treasures became an incomparable source of joy.

One day, during one of these meaningful outings, I stumbled upon a shop named "Birdland." This unique establishment housed items sourced from America: clothing and perfumes from Ralph Lauren and Banana Republic, vintage aloha shirts, Zippo lighters from the Vietnam War era, retro tin signs, and even ski equipment, creating an atmosphere akin to an attic straight out of an American movie or TV drama—a place filled with excitement and the promise of something extraordinary.

The owner of the shop, about the same age as my father, taught me many valuable lessons. Unlike most adults I knew, he seemed to live a life of joy and freedom, pursuing his passions as his livelihood. In the shop, there was an AIWA TV-VCR combo, and whenever I visited, he was always watching American movies. Kindly, he even dubbed copies of movies I showed interest in. The top three movies in my heart at the time were "American Graffiti," "The Blues Brothers," and "Cry-Baby." Besides my art teacher from childhood, most adults I encountered in daily life, aside from family and teachers, were distant figures. In fact, during that period, I harbored a sense of distrust toward adults and occasionally caused trouble.

I remember vividly that he had a mobile phone, a rarity at the time, and often used it for international calls in English. I admired him and hoped one day to converse fluently in English like him. Though I struggled with English classes, I had a deep love for Western movies and music. While English grammar was a challenge for me back then, I was captivated by the unique freedom and atmosphere that English exuded. As my desire to visit America intensified, I found myself visiting his shop more frequently. During his overseas business trips, when he left the shop in the care of his wife, I would watch movies with her while eagerly awaiting his return. Finally, during the summer break of my sophomore year in high school, I had the opportunity to travel to America with him—a dream come true.

#1  アメリカ




