
May 8, 2024: Couple Late at Night(深夜の夫婦)

Last night, I could not fall asleep soon after I went to bed. I needed about a few hours to fall asleep, and I woke up about an hour later, around 1:30 am. Then I was unable to go back to sleep soon. After a while, I managed to fall asleep. I do not know how many hours I needed to fall asleep again, but it seemed to be a few hours.
During those hours, I found that my wife, who was sleeping in a separate room, got out of bed a few times. First, she did so to go to the toilet. Then, one hour or half an hour later, she did so again to take sleeping tablets. She sometimes takes them when she cannot fall asleep. After she took them, I did not know what happened to her. I seemed to fall asleep spontaneously.
Looking back on those hours, I found it strange that neither of us had spoken to the other. Normally, I should have talked to her when I noticed her getting out of bed so late, but I did not. I do not know why I did not, but I thought that she might hate being spoken. So in bed in the dark, I just listened in on what she was doing until she went back to bed.
Nor did she talk to me. She must have known that I was awake in bed and was doing something with an iPad. But she never spoke to me. I did not know why. She might have focused on herself and had no room to talk to me. Or she did not mind me because it was normal that I was doing something with the iPad in the bed.
In any case, it should be strange to others that neither of us talks to the other when the other gets out of bed and does something in the middle of the night. But it is not so strange to us, because it has sometimes happened before. We seem to be too mindful of each other in the middle of the night.




