
August 7, 2023: School Excursions (2) (修学旅行(2))

When I was sixteen years old and in high school, I had my third school excursion. I went to Kyushu. I took a ferry from Osaka to Miyazaki in Kyushu. I arrived in Miyazaki very early in the morning and went to see Aoshima. Then, I went to Kagoshima City via Kirishima. I do not remember well whether I went to Sakurajima or not. Then, I moved on to Nagasaki City by bus. It was a very long journey and I was on the bus all the day. On the way, I crossed five big bridges in Kumamoto called the Amakusa Gokyo Bridges. In Nagasaki, I had a stay for a couple of days. After that, I went to see Mt. Aso and then, finally, reached Bepppu, the last destination of the excursion.
During the excursion, I went to a lot of places and saw many exhibits. Among them was the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, which shocked me the most. I saw a lot of the exhibits in the museum and was shocked at them. I still remember the shock very well and have never forgotten it. It was a milestone in my life and had a significant impact on my later life.
Apart from the shock, I had a thing about the excursion that I have never forgotten. A week before making the excursion, I had the rubella. It was another shock since I was really looking forward to the excursion. I did everything to heal it as soon as possible. I went to see a doctor and had an injection. I also stayed in a bed. Then, I managed to recover from it just before the excursion.

 高校の修学旅行は九州でした。大阪港からフェリーで宮崎に渡りました。宮崎に早朝について、青島に行きました。その後、霧島を通って、鹿児島市内に行ったのですが、桜島にいったかどうかの記憶がありません。その後、バスで、長崎に向かいました。長崎までは長い旅で、一日中、バスにいました。途中、天草五橋を渡りました。長崎には数日滞在し、その後、阿蘇山にいって、最終目的地の別府に行きました。 この中で、一番衝撃的だったのは、長崎の原爆資料館でした。沢山の展示物を見て、すごいショック受けました。この時の衝撃はいまでも忘れることはありません。これは、ボクの人生で重大な出来事でした。そして、その後の人生に大きな影響を与えました。



