
July 28, 2024: Maths, Careless Mistakes (数学、ケアレスミス)

Almost every day, I have been studying maths with a textbook in English. It has been about a year and half since I began it. When I began it, I was not sure if I would be able to continue to do it. But once I began it, I found it fun, and I have managed to continue it up to now. So, I am going to do it as long as I can, with the aim of reaching a level which will allow me to take entrance exams for college science courses.
When I study it, I always do it with a pen and paper, and a calculator. I always solve the questions in the textbook by writing. I do not use a PC because I can focus better on solving  the questions  them than with a PC. But I always have a problem doing it. I always make a lot of careless mistakes. I tend to misread the numbers I wrote on a piece of paper. My handwriting is so bad and hard to read that sometimes, I cannot read them. I also tend to press the wrong numbers on the calculator, so that I get the wrong answers. All these careless mistakes always bother me. I am not usually aware of these mistakes until I check the right answers after I have solved the questions. As a result, I have to waste my time going through what I have done from the beginning. I have to check the numbers I have written one by one and have to recalculate the answers I have got with the calculator.
Probably, I would not have to do them with a PC. But I still like to continue it with a pen and paper. They make me feel like me using my brain.
The question is what to do to get rid of the careless mistakes. Should I try to write the numbers more carefully? Yes, I can do. But I am not sure if I can keep it up. I always try to write the numbers exactly as much as my brain tells me to write them. But it tells me so fast that I cannot write the numbers with a great care. Nevertheless, I will try it as much as I can.
The next is about whether I can improve the way I press the keys on the calculator. It is much easier than to write the numbers with a great care. As with a PC keyboard, I will practise pressing the keys.


