
July 7, 2024:Paris Olympics, Promising Athelete, Torch Relay (パリ五輪、有望選手、聖火リレー)

The 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris will take place soon. In Japan, a lot of athletes are now qualifying for the Games. Among them is Nozomi Tanaka, who I expect the most to show the good performances. She is an athlete in 1500- and 3000-meter runs. She has broken all the records in Japan. She is so strong that no one can beat her in Japan. However, I know that she is not yet good enough to compete with the world-class athletes, such as African athletes. They have such superhuman abilities that it is too early for her to beat them. Nevertheless, she has made a lot of efforts to improve her skills and is trying to get strong enough to compete on an equal footing with the world-class athletes. So, she may not be strong enough to win an Olympic medal, but I will be rooting for her to get into the top 8.
With the opening of the Olympic Games on 26 July, the torch relay is now under way in France. A few weeks ago, I saw one of the relay scenes on YouTube. It was on Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Europe. It was not the one we have often seen, but the one where an athlete with the torch walks on a tight rope at a height of about 4000m. It was so thrilling that my heart was beating fast. I was watching it with bated breath. When he finished crossing the rope, I was relieved and at the same time, very much impressed with the performance.
I looking forward to seeing the athletes show their performances in the Olympic Games with as much thrill as the tightrope walker.




