
June6, 2023: Accidents (2), Child, Treasure (交通事故(2)、子供、宝物)

My oldest accident happened when I was in kindergarten. I had it again at a crossing like two other accidents. When I began to go straight down it, I was hit by a car and was surprised to cry out loud. When I was crying, my mother came running to me from her house. I still remember very well how she was at the time. She rushed to me with a tearful look on her face. As soon as she came to me, she hugged me very tightly and spoke words to cheer me up. Her expression showed me how much she loved me.
In retrospect, it was only when I had a daughter that I could truly understand my mother's deep love for me. When my daughter was a child, she was in a very dangerous situation several times. Each time, I was very worried about her and was reminded me of my mother's expression when I had my oldest accident. I was worried more about her than I did about myself. When she was ill, I always felt like I wanted to get ill instead of her. I had the same affection for my daughter as my mother had for me.
I still have the same affection for my daughter even though she got married and left my home. I am ready to do anything for her whenever she needs me or I can be replaced. A child is always the most precious treasure for a parent!




