月に3万円稼ぐ方法7選How can I make 30000 Japanese yen extra a month?


How can I make 30000 Japanese yen extra a month?

There are many ways to make extra money, but the options available to you may depend on your skills, resources, and availability. Here are some suggestions for making an extra 30,000 Japanese yen per month:

  1. Freelancing: If you have a skill that can be offered as a service, such as writing, graphic design, or translation, you could try freelancing on websites such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr.

  2. Selling products online: You could sell products online through marketplaces like Amazon or Rakuten, or by setting up your own online store using platforms like Shopify.

  3. Part-time work: You could look for part-time work in your area, such as working in a shop, restaurant, or other retail establishment.

  4. Teaching or tutoring: If you have expertise in a particular subject, you could offer tutoring services or teach classes in your area of expertise.

  5. Online surveys and microtasks: You could try completing online surveys or microtasks through websites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, or Amazon Mechanical Turk.

  6. Renting out your space: If you have a spare room or unused space, you could rent it out on platforms like Airbnb or Booking.com.

  7. Delivery services: You could sign up to deliver food or packages for services like Uber Eats, Amazon Flex, or Didi.

It's important to note that some of these options may require initial investment, such as buying products to sell or creating a website for your online store. It's also important to ensure that any work you undertake does not interfere with your existing commitments, such as your job or studies.
