インターネット調査室:「South Korea concerned over Russia-North Korea arms talks, hints at sanctions」

今回は「South Korea concerned over Russia-North Korea arms talks, hints at sanctions」についてコメントさせていただきます。

The KYIV indipendent: 15 Sept,2023

「South Korea concerned over Russia-North Korea arms talks, hints at sanctions」

South Korea grows worried due to military cooperation talks between Russia and North Korea and is not excluding the possibility of unilateral sanctions against the two countries



North Korea reaching any agreement related to the arms trade with Russia through their summit would be an extremely serious threat to security and peace on the Korean Peninsula

今回の米国のウクライナ&ロシアのオペレーションはサウジを含め反米を結束させましたね。 お陰様で原油価格も下がりません。

参考記事: ↓

South Korea has previously joined international sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. The country regularly imposes sanctions against North Korea over nuclear and missile threats or other illicit activities.


検索キー: 米国警備艦が北朝鮮の「瀬取り」監視で異例の韓国入り 韓国への警告の意図も?

検索キー: South Korea concerned over Russia-North Korea arms talks, hints at sanctions
