
1972年の熱海ホテル ロバート・キャパ1954年4月16日の夜宿泊。翌朝熱海のレストランモンブランで朝食をとる。




On April 16th, 1954, Robert Capa stayed overnight at the Atami Hotel, and the following morning he had breakfast at the Mont Blanc restaurant in Atami.

Recently, I received a forwarded letter from Mr. K, a contact at Tokyo Shoseki. The letter included a brochure from the Atami Hotel and a letter from Mr. S, who lives in Hokkaido and used to work for S Publishing. Mr. S visited the hotel with friends in 1972 and found the brochure while sorting through his belongings for end-of-life planning. He came across my website while searching for information on the Atami Hotel and sent the brochure as a reference.

When I was researching for "Robert Capa's Last Day," I delved into the history of the Atami Hotel and found it had a variety of fascinating stories and connections. Through a photography studio in Atami, I was introduced to a cake shop called Mont Blanc that had Capa's photos on its wall. Mont Blanc used to be a French restaurant. On a Saturday morning, I was introduced to a foreigner who wanted to have breakfast at the Atami Hotel.

When I visited the restaurant, I saw Capa's photos on the wall. All the captions and descriptions were wrong. The photo was taken on April 16th, 1954. It was published in Camera Daily with the caption "Scott's restaurant incident at night." However, the photo was taken in the morning, and the cook in the back was actually the chef at Mont Blanc. It was a photo full of secrets.



1954年5月25日、午後3時ごろベトナム北部、紅河デルタの町タイビン郊外のタンネという場所で地雷を踏んで死んだ。手にはNIKON S が…

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