The Will Accounting System: A New Approach to Employee Evaluation and Reward


The Will Accounting System: A New Approach to Employee Evaluation and Reward

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in alternative approaches to employee evaluation and reward. Traditional systems, which often rely on subjective assessments by managers, have been criticized for being unfair, opaque, and demotivating.

One promising new approach is the Will Accounting System, which was developed by the Japanese company Disco. Under this system, all work within the company is assigned a value in terms of Will, a virtual currency. Employees earn Will for their work, and they can then use Will to purchase goods and services, such as training, travel, or bonuses.

The Will Accounting System has a number of potential advantages. First, it provides a more objective and transparent way to evaluate employee performance. The value of work is based on market forces, rather than on the subjective opinions of managers. This can help to ensure that employees are fairly rewarded for their contributions.

Second, the Will Accounting System can help to increase employee motivation. Employees are more likely to be motivated to work hard if they know that their efforts will be rewarded in a tangible way. The ability to use Will to purchase goods and services that they value can be a powerful motivator.

Third, the Will Accounting System can help to promote collaboration and teamwork. Employees are more likely to cooperate with each other if they know that they can benefit from each other's work. The ability to earn Will by helping others can encourage employees to work together to achieve common goals.

Of course, the Will Accounting System is not without its challenges. One challenge is that it can be difficult to accurately value work in terms of Will. The value of work can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the skills and experience of the employee, the importance of the work to the company, and the market conditions.

Another challenge is that the Will Accounting System could lead to competition and rivalry between employees. Employees may be more focused on earning Will than on collaborating with each other.

Despite these challenges, the Will Accounting System has the potential to be a major improvement over traditional approaches to employee evaluation and reward. It provides a more objective, transparent, and motivating way to reward employees. As the system continues to evolve, it is likely to become more widely adopted by companies around the world.


The Will Accounting System is a new and innovative approach to employee evaluation and reward. It has the potential to improve employee motivation, collaboration, and productivity. However, the system also faces some challenges, such as the difficulty of accurately valuing work and the potential for competition and rivalry between employees. As the system continues to evolve, it is important to address these challenges in order to maximize its benefits.
