
バレエとミュージカルは別ですよ!Ballet is not a musical either.




それにしてもバレエをスポーツだと言ったり、大会にでるか?(大会ではなくてコンクールのことですよね苦笑) 、劇団四季はバレエか?など衝撃的な質問にびっくりしている私ですが、もっとバレエの素晴らしさが伝わってくれればいいなと改めて思う次第でございます。


Well, I talked about a ballet is not a sport the other day, but I had an interesting question yesterday, and I couldn't keep it myself. I said I am taking ballet classes, then he said "Is Shiki theatre company ballet?" As a ballet lover, I was stunned by the question. But isn't that a common thought in for those who have not seen a ballet before? Shiki theatre is a musical theatre, not a ballet. For a musical theatre, there are dancing, singing, and some dialogues etc. Of course, those performers dance amazingly, and I am sure lots of them have taken ballet classes though a musical theatre is an theatre after all. On the other hand, ballet is an art which does not require any dialogue, but express everything by just their bodies. 

Well, when it comes to no dialogues, it means viewer can take whatever they feel. There is no right nor wrong how you interpret the moment. In another words, it is very free. For dancers, they can express their feelings freely and viewers can take it subjectively as well. I think it would be fun to imagine what is going on by observing every move of dancers. 

Anyway, I have been very stunned by those questions such as is a ballet sports ? is it the same as a musical theatre ?etc...I wish people will enjoy the beauty of ballet more.

Having said that a musical theatre is very interesting and fun. I think in Japan it is more accessible and popular to people. Though if you get a chance, please go to see a ballet someday too!
