
Take you to the Aquarium

It was my first time visiting Yamaguchi Prefecture, and I went to the aquarium in Shimonoseki City. Today, I'll share some beautiful photos taken there with you, dear.

Come dive under the sea with me and explore the sea creatures!

This is my favorite cuz it makes me feel like swimming with Nemo and his lovely friends. The colors of the fish were also stunning and really caught my eye.

Almost like the world of Finding Nemo

Watching penguins waddle around is the cutest in the world. Just seeing them, soothe our nerves, heal us, and give us space to calm down.

Can't fly but good swimmers!

If I remember right, they weren't dolphins though they looked very similar. Probably they were a similar species to whales. Interesting, isn't it? :P

Looks like dolphin, but

Do they think? Do they have their own brains? Do they just go with the flow? Is it interesting? They do not even need to dwell on it coz don't have a brain to worry. I sometimes envy them.

Jigglyyyy Jelly Fish

Isn't it kind of rare to see a school of sardines from below? The light shining on them is like sunshine, making them even more romantic. The glitter on the water from the sun's reflection is one of the most beautiful things.

A school of sardines

Hope you enjoyed the small aquarium on "note".
Have a beautiful day.

[ New Words ]
・waddle : 左右にフラフラ小刻みに歩く

