
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   2月23日 February 23

ローマ 12:10【口語訳】
In love of the brothers be tenderly affectionate to one another; in honor preferring one another;
Romans 12:10【WEB】 

AIによるイメージ。ローマ 12:10 Romans 12:10
Believers love one another as God loves us and share God's grace.

1. 教会の中で、自分の賜物や役割に驕らず、他の人の賜物や役割を軽んじたり妬んだりしないで、互いに協力して神様に仕えること。
2. 家庭や職場や社会の中で、自分の利益や権利を主張するのではなく、他の人の必要や苦しみに目を向けて、思いやりや助けを惜しまないこと。
3. 神様の御言葉や祈りを通して、自分の心を新たにすることによって、この世の価値観や流行に惑わされず、神様の御旨に従って生きること。
4. 信仰の上で成長するために、自分の知識や経験を誇るのではなく、他の人から学ぶ姿勢を持ち、教える者も教えられる者も互いに謙虚になること。
5. 信仰の上で試練に直面するときに、自分の力や知恵に頼るのではなく、神様に信頼して喜びと平和を保ち、他の人を励まし支えること。
This verse teaches that believers in Christ should love one another.
This love should not be tainted by deceit or selfishness, but instead should be filled with truth and devotion. This love should also demonstrate an attitude of respect for others before oneself.
Examples of practice are,
1. To serve God by cooperating with one another in the church, not being conceited about one's own gifts and roles, and not being disrespectful or envious of the gifts and roles of others.
2. In the family, at work, and in society, not to insist on our own interests and rights, but to look to the needs and sufferings of others and to be considerate and helpful.
3. To live according to God's will, not being deceived by worldly values and fads, by renewing one's mind through God's Word and prayer.
4. To grow in faith, not boasting of one's own knowledge and experience, but having an attitude of learning from others, and being humble toward one another, both those who teach and those who are taught.
5. When facing trials in the faith, not relying on our own strength or wisdom, but trusting God to keep us joyful and peaceful, and to encourage and support others.
I pray to make friends wherever I am who trust in God and love one another.
聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).



