
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   7月18日 July 18

イザヤ書 46:4【口語訳】
Even to old age I am he, and even to gray hairs I will carry you.
I have made, and I will bear. Yes, I will carry, and will deliver.

Isaiah 46:4【WEB】

AIによるイメージ。イザヤ書 46:4 Isaiah 46:4
Believers know that God will protect them with love until the end of their lives.

この聖句は、人生における困難や試練に直面した時、イザヤ書 46:4 の言葉を思い出し、神の変わらぬ愛と揺るぎない約束に信頼を置き、神の創造力と全能の力を信じて、希望を持って歩むようにと教えています。

イザヤ書 46:4 から導き出される信仰生活の教訓
1. 神の変わらぬ愛と揺るぎない約束

2. 神の創造力と全能の力
3. 神への揺るぎない信頼と従順

This verse tells us that when we face difficulties and trials in life, we are to remember the words of Isaiah 46:4, to put our trust in God's abiding love and unfailing promises, and to walk in hope, trusting in God's creative power and almighty strength.
Lessons for life of faith drawn from Isaiah 46:4
1. the abiding love and unwavering promises of God
In this verse, God says, "I will not change until you are old, and I will carry you until your hair grows gray. In this verse, God speaks of His unchanging love and unwavering promise to Israel through the words, "I will carry you on my shoulders until you are old and gray.
Life is full of peaks and valleys. We may be strong in our youth, but as we age, it is natural for our bodies and minds to weaken. However, God knows our weaknesses and supports and guides us in every moment.
For believers, this promise of God is a great comfort. We can walk through any situation in life secure in the knowledge that God is always with us.
2. the creative and omnipotent power of God
God has created us through the words, "I have made, therefore I will surely bear, carry, and save." God declares his creative power and omnipotent power to save us through the words, "I have made, therefore I will surely bear, carry, and save.
God is the creator of heaven, earth, and all things, and we human beings were also created by God. God loves and cares for each of us. God loves and cares for each of us, and has the power to deliver us from any difficult situation.
For believers, this power of God is a great hope. We can trust God and have the courage to face any difficulty. 3.
3. unwavering trust and obedience to God
God demands of Israel unwavering trust and obedience to Him through the words, "I will carry you with me.
God leads and directs our lives for the best. But we need to listen to His guidance and follow it obediently. We can receive God's blessings when we walk according to God's will and not our own thoughts and ideas.
For the believer, trust and obedience to God are the foundation of the life of faith. We should strive to listen to God's voice and walk according to His will in our daily lives.
I pray to God that He will help me to walk with Him in my daily life, with unwavering trust and obedience to Him.

聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
