




Upon becoming CEO in 2018, and again at the start of the global pandemic-driven recessio…


Microsoft Corp. is negotiating an investment of as much as $2 billion in billionaire Muk…


Chinese tech giant Tencent Holdings will allocate nearly $70 billion (500B yuan) over th…


Visa's success has not gone unnoticed, and the stock price has grown in line with the st…


This past week, PayPal shared that the company will be rolling out a new addition to the…


Shopify is set to make its contactless payments hardware, Shopify Tap & Chip Card Reader…


Subsidiaries of Berkshire Hathaway (ticker: BRK.B ) sold a total of 497,786 U.S. Bancorp shares (USB) on May 11 and 12 for $16.3 million. Berkshire Hathaway社に関するニュース記事は毎日のように出ますね。ひとえに全世界の株式市場が彼の動向に興味を持っているという事の表れだと思います。このコロナ禍を巨匠はどう見ているのか?少