
[イベントレポート風味 19.02.27「新しいマネジャーの教科書(仮)」at ABCブックセンター] マネジメントとは、顔が見える働き方 etc 1/4

『新しいマネジャーの教科書(仮)』出版前イベント 山田理さん × 北野唯我さん トークイベント




でもその育成というか、課題が解決していない、数十年前からずっと課題 がマネジメント。マネジメントの一般化、大衆化は大事になっていく

→会場に着いたときの最初の話がこれでした。これ地味に悩むんです。マネジメントマネジメントと一言に言うけど、管理するのはタスクなのか、モ チベーションなのか、ビジョンなのかその他すべてなのかそれは無理、そ もそも「管理」という考え方自体が正しいのか...挙げたらきりないですが

・Q アメリカでもサイボウズのような説明責任、質問責任はある
A あるし、どんどんでてくるもうええわというくらいに日本より自分の雇 用を持っている感が強い


Ex.ある日一区切りついて「会社を辞めます」といった。組織が発展してい かないように思えた一方で、(コンサルとしての ※ここちょっと違うか
でも、次の日に社長から言われた「僕を育てると思って一緒にやってくれ ませんか」感激して一緒にやろうと思えた。
青野さん(サイボウズの代表)の本、「会社というモンスターが〜(なん だっけ? いい本です)」にも通じる文脈だと思う...

愚痴って「うちの経営者は創業者でもエリートでもなくサラリーマン社長だからダメだ」といった口で「うちの経営陣は下の気持ちがわかってない」とか。どっちだよ。と言うかこの環境にいる自分やば(ry はい次


Q 人事制度を新しく始める時にこれから始めては、というものがあるか
A 人事こそいろいろな人の意見を聞いてみる、アンケートはとらない、



ここから北野さんの今後の展望についての話で、組織人事のテーマからもう少し広い社会経済の話に膨らんでいきます。       (続きます)

· 19.02.27
"New manager's textbook (provisional)" pre-publication event 1/4 Osamu Yamada x Yutaka Kitano Talk event.

It is Gudaguda(Japanese "noplan &no good") rich enough to be late by 30 minutes late at work, is always my own self.

I came to talk event after a long absence. One of personal themes for a few years (or so far) is "how to live and work", but here this event.
Kitano experts in career formation and change, as you can see from the author of this book. For the book I would like to write comments when there is time, Japanese companies tend not to tell their employees' career until the late 40s, at that time it is too late, the view that individuals just survive Not only the impression is that it is necessary (not important) to form a career to revitalize society.
Meanwhile, Mr. Yamada is the vice president of Mr. Cybozu who is one of the most notable companies. Advertisements that became a hot topic, what was the work way reform? I am a wonderful person who is saying to the question of "management is not changing unless managers change" while being on the management side. And information system (information) is tool, personnel system is institution. And the management raises three elements of climate. Well, nothing at all in my workplace (ry
Well, well then. I was looking forward to seeing a place for these two to match up. I will pick up some from my miscellaneous note.

· Japanese companies have overwhelmingly many managers, from the president.
But even if that training, the problem is not solved, the problem has been managed for decades ago. Generalization of management and popularization become important

→ This was the first story when I got to the venue. I am suffering from this groundbreaking. In a word with management management, is it a task, a motivation, a vision, a vision or all other things to manage? Is it impossible? Is the idea of ​​"management" itself correct? Is it alright?

· Q. Is also accountable like Cybozu in America, there is a questionable responsibility
A.  There is a feeling that I have my employment from Japan as much as I'm getting more and more

→ As a second impression, both have a cool or clever impression, there is no mistake in the content to talk, but speak in the Kansai intonation, talk. If it is a standard language (what is standard in the first place?), It is not such a thing as it is, but the way of talking may represent a person more than the content. Next in that trend.

· The president is not a perfect person, managers are also human beings
Ex. One day we say, "I will quit the company." While it seemed that the organization did not seem to develop, (as a consult ※ is slightly different here
Also my goal was reached
But the next day the president told me, "Do you think you will grow up me and do it with me?" I thought I would be willing to do it.
I think that the context of Mr. Aono (representative of Cybozu), "a monster company" is a context that is also linked to ~ (what a fine?

→ To be honest, this perspective seems likely to be missing in yourself.
By complaining, "Our management is not a founder or an elite president but a salaried worker, so it's useless," he says, "Our management team does not understand the feeling below." Which is it? Or say myself in this environment (ry yes next

· When Cybozu 's turnover rate was high, when you looked at each one carefully, you could see the organization and the team quietly. When asked the person who said "Sales department" or "company" in the way the company said in a big huge manner, "Who answered what you said"? "When asked by ○○ and ×× Δ Δ Δ Mr. is". Surprisingly little or not! ,When.
→ Although we talk from working way, talk of fake news and media literacy has been widespread. Personally, I think that this "big subject" should be wary of as distorting the facts side by side along with "sensation" "good and evil dualism". However, it is also true that "A great person, a famous person said" is the standard for deciding something of many people. So, my feelings are this: I was caught by such instigation (ry

· Human resources shall be the greatest common divisor. For this person who does not want me to quit, I steadily increased my way of saying
Q. When starting a new personnel system from now on, is there anything?
A. Personnel is the only one to listen to the opinions of various people, do not take a questionnaire, the face disappears. It can be 100 people / 1000 people, it will not cost you too much.

→ I also think that "looking at the face" is probably the keyword for now and the future. The data is also important, but the importance of subjectivity is rising.

· The condition that you are in trouble is that your boss is not getting along and that you are in trouble with the current situation.
\ There is groupware that can be used at such times (like a structured advertisement www) /

It is fluffy.

From here we talk about Mr. Kitano's future prospects, we will expand to a somewhat wider social economic talk from the theme of organizational personnel affairs. (Continue)
