
・英検®は、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の登録商標です。
・このコンテンツは、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の承認や推奨、その他の検討を受けたものではありません。

◆問題 (目安120-150語)

 Is it better for employees to work from home than to work at the office?
POINTS (→準1級では使用が必須)
 ・Work-life Balance  




【Work-life Balance】
 (その分 労働者に還元?)

【Work-life Balance】


◆答案例1 (YES版)

In my view, working from home is more beneficial for employees than working at the office.

Firstly, remote work enables workers to maintain a better work-life balance. Not having to commute to work means they can sleep longer, spend more time with their family and so on. Also, in some cultures, workers tend to feel forced to stay at the office longer than their supervisors and sacrifice their private time, which seems less likely to happen when working at home.

Additionally, remote work can lead to increased productivity. Some might argue that people work better in the office, but the best environment differs from person to person. For instance, some may be more productive when wearing casual clothes and listening to pleasant music, which can be challenging to do in a formal office setting.

Therefore, I believe that working from home is more advantageous than working at the office. (149 words)



In my view, working from home is more beneficial for employees than working at the office.
・問題文の “better” をパラフレーズするために違う表現を用いています。
・Main bodyに語数を多く割けるように、Introductionは簡潔にしてあります。


Firstly, remote work enables workers to maintain a better work-life balance.

(第一に、リモートワークのおかげで労働者はより良いwork-life balanceを維持できる。)


Not having to commute to work means they can sleep longer, spend more time with their family and so on.

・For exampleなどの転換語を使っていませんが、実質的には具体例を挙げている部分です。workに対して、どうlifeを充実させられるのか具体的に述べて説得力を増します。


Also, in some cultures, workers tend to feel forced to stay at the office longer than their supervisors and sacrifice their private time, which seems less likely to happen when working at home.


Additionally, remote work can lead to increased productivity.

・もっとシンプルにworkers' productivity will riseなども可能。


Some might argue that people work better in the office, but the best environment differs from person to person.

・Some might argue that は、「反対意見をいったん紹介した上でそれに反論する」時の常套手段。もっと長い文になるなら、一旦 Some might argue that SV. と区切って、However, SV. と次の文で反論しましょう。


For instance, some may be more productive when wearing casual clothes and listening to pleasant music, which can be challenging to do in a formal office setting.


Therefore, I believe that working from home is more advantageous than working at the office.

・Introductionと同様、Main bodyに語数を使いたいので、Conclusionは抑え気味にしました。


◆答案例2 (NO版)

I do not think that remote work is more beneficial for employees than working at the office.

First, the office setting promotes communication among workers. It is true that we can interact with others online as well, but face-to-face communication is often more efficient. For example, when dealing with a complex issue that requires collaboration among multiple individuals, discussing it together in the same room is clearly more effective.

Furthermore, employees’ productivity will increase when they work at the office. Working from home, people tend to feel less pressure to stay focused on their tasks, and some may even procrastinate. In contrast, being observed by colleagues in the office can motivate people to work effectively, which will lead to higher performance.

It is for these reasons that working from home does not seem advantageous than working in the workplace. (139 words)



I do not think that remote work is more beneficial for employees than working at the office.
・やはり問題文の “better” をパラフレーズすべく別の表現を使いました。


First, the office setting promotes communication among workers.



It is true that we can interact with others online as well, but face-to-face communication is often more efficient.

・It is true that は「譲歩」を用いるときに使える表現。文が長い場合は、It is true that SV. However, SV. と2文に分けましょう。 


For example, when dealing with a complex issue that requires collaboration among multiple individuals, discussing it together in the same room is clearly more effective.


Furthermore, employees’ productivity will increase when they work at the office.

・もっとシンプルにworkers' productivity will riseなども可能。


Working from home, people tend to feel less pressure to stay focused on their tasks, and some may even procrastinate. In contrast, being observed by colleagues in the office can motivate people to work effectively, which will lead to higher performance.

・in contrast「対照的に」は、対比するときの代表選手。


It is for these reasons that working from home does not seem advantageous than working in the workplace.

・「これらの理由によりSVだ。」は For these reasons, SV. ですが、これを強調構文にして It is for these reasons that SV. としています。本番で使いたければ丸覚えしてしまうのもアリな表現。


コラム ~減点主義 vs. 加点主義~














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