
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.18]

PBS NewsHour March 17, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:21] 今日のニュースまとめ

[02:23] A whipsaw [* = (金融商品の相場の)激しい上下変動] week for the banking industry has come to an end amid nagging fears and calls for action.

[05:51] There is word that actor Lance Reddick has passed away. His publicist said he died this morning of natural causes [* to die of natural causes = Simply put, a “natural” death is one that occurs due to an internal factor that causes the body to shut down, such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes. It means there was no external reason for the death, such as a traumatic injury. https://health.osu.edu/wellness/aging/what-does-it-mean-to-die-of-natural-causes ].

[07:29]★今日のおすすめ★ 国際刑事裁判所 プーチン大統領に戦争犯罪で逮捕状 リポートのあと専門家に聞く

[12:46] But it's not improbable that he [* = Putin] would someday, maybe many years from now, actually face the bar of justice [* bar of justice=法廷].

[14:33] Well, this charge is actually low-hanging fruit [* Easily obtained gains; what can be obtained by readily available means. 簡単に達成できること] , because they have been so transparent and self-incriminating in Russia about what they're doing with the Ukrainian children.

[15:48] 相次ぐ航空機の異常接近 航空担当記者に聞く

[18:52] In the midst of the pandemic, there were lots of retirements, lots of layoffs. And as the flying public has returned to the skies, almost with a vengeance [* = to an extreme degree; with great force. すさまじい勢いで。過度に ] , we have a lot of new people, both in the cockpits, in the cabins, in the air traffic control tower cabs, and, for that matter, the people driving the vehicles that push and pull the airplanes and service them. So we have kind of a juniorocracy [* junior + -ocracy この話者の造語かもしれないが、意味は「経験の浅い人たちが支配的な体制」くらいだと思われる ] of going on there, which is not good.

[20:25] A couple of airports, Atlanta and Dallas/Fort Worth, have built these concrete so-called end-around taxiways [* 従来の誘導路との違いを示した図 https://engineering.purdue.edu/VRSS/research/sustainability_environment ] , which make it possible for airliners to get to where they're going without crossing an active runway.

[21:43] [* この記者によると、空港不足の解決策はあるのだが、実は航空業界が望まないのだという。その説明] But we should point out there are more than 5,000 airports in the United States, public use airports. Some of them are pretty small, but there are quite a few that are either military or civilian which are large and underutilized. And if we move some of the traffic there, that might solve some of this problem. But here's the dirty little secret. The airlines don't like this idea. They like their hub-and-spoke system, a couple of dozen airports that get a tremendous amount of traffic funneled into them. And they don't necessarily want to open up new airports, which opens up the possibility of new competitors, making it more difficult for them to make a buck.

[22:37] 新型コロナ動物由来説を補強する証拠

[27:21] The World Health Organization has called for all data of this nature to be made available. But it's a little bit unclear if there's going to be more of a trickle like this that could really clinch the case [* 議論に決着をつける] or not.

[28:50]★今日のおすすめ★ Leonard Leo(保守活動家)に16億ドルの寄付 Teneo Networkとは

[29:09] This is an example of so-called dark money [* = dark money refers to spending to influence elections where the source of the money is not disclosed to voters. In the United States, some types of nonprofit organizations may spend money on campaigns without disclosing who their donors are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_money ] , which isn't new, but has not been seen on this scale.

[31:09] What is your understanding of what his beliefs are? What is his agenda [* = 思惑。押し進めようとしていること。やろうとしていること。ねらい。意図。活動目標。] or his hopes? And is he affecting the overall conservative agenda?

[31:55] And now, as we reported and we found out, he has worked on this group called the Teneo Network, [* https://ctmirror.org/2023/03/12/teneo-network-conservative-federalist-society-liberal/] which is elevating people all across society to work for conservative ideas.

[32:53] This was somebody who was really thinking and seeing soup to nuts [* < from soup to nuts = from beginning to end; throughout.(From the order of courses in a formal full course dinner, which typically begins with soup and ends with a dessert such as nuts.)(Wiktionary)] about how to create a long-range agenda for conservative change.

[34:13]★今日のおすすめ★ 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る

[34:39] Let's start with the banking industry, David, because after the failure of two U.S. banks, we saw the administration step in very quickly, right, assure depositors they would be made whole [* to make whole = to provide (someone) with financial compensation for lost money or other lost assets; to restore (someone) to a sound, healthy, or otherwise favorable condition. 損失を補填する。損失補填する。(この文脈では、預金保険でカバーされない分も)全額補償する] .

[36:19] And so, if I were a populist, I'd be jumping all over [* to jump all over = to become very angry at (someone) ; to angrily criticize or shout at (someone)] this thing, because Silicon Valley Bank gets bailed out? Really?

[44:12] Do you have a Cinderella team [* = In sports, the terms Cinderella, "Cinderella story", and Cinderella team are used to refer to situations in which competitors achieve far greater success than would reasonably have been best expected (Wikipedia)] you're rooting for [* to root for 応援する] ?

[45:08] Jessica Chastainの『人形の家』

[45:40] In "A Doll's House," Jessica Chastain takes on a famous character in a new way, in a stripped-down, no props or period [* その時代の] costumes production, envisioned by director Jamie Lloyd.

[49:16] I think it's just the way the play has been received as this kind of feminist polemic [* = an argument or controversy] has flattened some of the subtleties of the original.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

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