
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.04.04]

PBS NewsHour April 3, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:34]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプ起訴 罪状認否の行われ方など記者に聞く

[06:41] 今日のその他のニュース

[11:01]★今日のおすすめ★ ロシアの戦争支持ブロガー暗殺 リポートのあとワグネル・グループに詳しいロシア専門家に聞く

[11:12] Russian authorities blamed Ukraine and have arrested an anti-war activist. But, as Nick Schifrin reports, the cafe's owner, a well-known Putin ally, says the plot is thicker [* < the plot thickens = (idiomatic, often humorous) Used to describe an increasingly complex or mysterious situation; A situation or set of circumstances has become more complex, mysterious, interesting, or difficult to understand] .

[14:05] Vladlen Tatarsky was probably one of the most prolific military bloggers, pro-Russian military bloggers, on the social media channels that are popular with Russian speakers. He had a huge following. Sometime around 2017-2018, he became very popular for starting a social media vertical [* < vertical social network. see: https://www.arimetrics.com/en/digital-glossary/vertical-social-network ] called Reverse Side of the Medal, which is basically a mouthpiece and kind of a soapbox for some of the most extreme ultranationalist elements of Russia's right wing.

[14:39] And, in particular, Reverse Side of the Medal is a kind of cultural hub for the Wagner Group and Russian mercenaries and soldiers of fortune [* soldier of fortune = mercenary; a non-commissioned soldier willing to serve any state or person who will hire him (wiktionary) 傭兵 ] .

[18:22] At the same time, he also seems to have a political strategy, one in which he understands that, the minute the battle of Bakhmut falls one way or the other, his utility [* = the state of being useful; usefulness] , politically and militarily, is vastly diminished. And so, in a way, the peacocking [* to peacock= 見栄を張る。虚栄を張る] that you see online, the constant sort of stream of invective [* = an abusive expression or speech] towards Shoigu, as well as Gerasimov, all of that is also a part of a larger design to insulate himself from the potential that he becomes expendable

[19:20]★今日のおすすめ★ 岐路に立つアメリカ:分断の原因と解決策を探るシリーズの第3回 ウィスコンシン州最高裁判事選挙が象徴する、政治の分断・こう着の司法への波及

[32:15] シカゴ市長選 決選投票 地元記者に聞く

[35:05] Well, it's a cliche to say that the only issue in Chicago politics is race, but there's a germ of truth [* = 一片の真実] in that as well.

[36:46] If Paul Vallas wins, you will see people say that Joe Biden, if he's going to run for reelection, and then win a second term, will have to sort of take a more moderate approach to not only issues of policing and crime, but also sort of the so-called culture war issues, to tack [* = to modify one's policy or attitude abruptly] to a more middle ground position. Neither of those takes [* take = an interpretation or view, opinion or assessment] , I think, will be exactly right, because Chicago is an idiosyncratic [* = peculiar ] city that sort of has its own issues.

[37:43] イラク戦争開戦から20年 Barham Salih前大統領へのインタビュー

[39:53] So, for us, the American-led intervention meant a great opportunity to get rid of this regime and allow the polity [* = The form of government of a nation 政治形態; An organized society, such as a nation, having a specific form of government 政治的組織を持つ国家(などの組織体)] of Iraq to move on and hopefully develop a functioning democracy in the heart of the Islamic Middle East.

[46:22] 黒人画家Kehinde Wiley 

[47:35] The exhibition An Archaeology of Silence at San Francisco's de Young Museum, dramatic in its scale and lighting, presents paintings and sculptures, 25 works in all, that use the iconography [* = the traditional or conventional images or symbols associated with a subject and especially a religious or legendary subject] of art history to expose violence against Black men and women today. An ancient sculpture, the Dying Gaul. from 200 B.C. Now a young man in a hoodie taking his last breaths.

[50:15] The whole point here, I suppose, is domination, that the painting dominates, that it subsumes [* = to include or place within something larger or more comprehensive] you, it consumes [* = to completely occupy the thoughts or attention of; to engage fully] you.
JEFFREY BROWN: One thing he was concerned with here, heroic [* = of impressive size, power, extent, or effect] scale, but also the small details of a life.

[52:51] It is all part of playing with past and present, stereotypes and realities. You referred to yourself as a trickster [* = (mythology, literature) Any of numerous figures featuring in various mythologies and folk traditions, who use guile and secret knowledge to challenge authority and play tricks and pranks on others; any similar figure in literature(wiktionary). 多くの原始民族の民間伝承や神話に登場する人物や動物で,通例,文化英雄(culture hero)と重なることも多い;さまざまな装いで出現し,いたずら,悪さを事とし,それまであった秩序を一時的に破壊する(ランダムハウス)。トリックスター] ?
KEHINDE WILEY: I think every artist is in a way.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News




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