


 👇本日のブログ👇 TEDで面白かったもののスクリプトを書き起こしました!








 「try something new for 30 days」(2番目の動画)は、以下の動画と選手交代!

 「why books are here to stay」という題のプレゼンです。電子書籍の台頭する現代でもなお実物の本が世界から消えていかない理由が話されています。

 このようなプレゼンの取り換えを、20日ごとに1本ずつやっていきます。例えば10日後には上のチャップリンの動画を別の動画と交代。次の10日後に「why books are here to stay」を別の動画と交代、というように。


 ちなみに、毎日取り組んでいるのはこの英語の音読だけでなく、ブログやnoteの更新、ゲーム配信や読書もやっております。「大学4年になった2020年度は暇だから」というちっぽけな理由で始めたこの企画、今のところ順調に進んでおります。10日ごとにnoteで進捗報告もしているので、本当にやっているのかどうか確認しに見に来てみてくださいね( *´艸`)

 最後に、明日から音読を始める「why books are here to stay」のスクリプトと訳を書き出したので、ここにも書いてこの記事の終わりとします。日本語訳はテキトーです。日本語にしちゃったら英語の良さが消えちゃうからね!(言い訳)。今日もお疲れ様!

 I will lend books to people, but of course, the rule is "Don't do that unless you never intend to see that book again."  The physical object of a book is almost like a person.  I mean, it has a spine, it has a back bone.  It has a face.  Actually, it can sort of be your friend.  Books record the basic human experience like no other medium can.  Before there were books, ancient civilization would record things by notches on bones or rocks or what have you.  The first book as we know them originated in ancient Rome.  We go by a term called the codex, where they would have two heavy pieces of wood which become the cover, and then the pages in between would then be stitched along one side to make something that was relatively easily transportable.  They all had to completely be done by hand, which became the work of what we know as a scribe.  And frankly, they were luxury items.  And then printer called Johannes Gurtenberg, in the mid-fifteenth century, created the means to mass-produce a book, the modern printing press.  It wasn't until then that there was any kind of consumption of books by a large audience.  Book covers started to come into use in the early nineteenth century, and they were called dust wrappers.  They usually had advertising on them.  So people would take them off and throw them away.  It wasn't until the turn of the nineteenth into the twentieth century that book jackets could be seen as interesting design in and of themselves.  Such that I look at that and I think, "I want to read that. That interest me."  The physical book itself represents both a technological advance but also a piece of technology in and of itself.  It delivered a user interface that was unlike anything that people have before.  And you could argue that it's still the best way to deliver that to an audience.  I believe that the core purpose of a physical book is to record our existence and to leave it behind on the shelf, in a library, in a home, for generations down the road to understand where they came from, that people went through some of the same things that they're going through, and it's like a dialogue that you have with the author.  I think you have a much more human relationship to a printed book than you do to one that's on a screen.  People want the experience of holding it, of turning the page, marking their progress in a story.  And then you have, of all things, the smell of a book.  Fresh ink on paper or the aging paper smell.  You don't really get that from anything else.  The book itself, you know, can't be turn off with a switch.  It's a story that you can hold in your hand and carry around with you and that's part of what makes them so valuable, and I think will make them valuable for the duration.  A shelf of books, frankly, is made to outlast you, no matter who you are.

