
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is not just fatigue (*日本語訳追加しました)

You wake up in the morning, but your body feels so heavy that you can’t get out of bed. You’re severely fatigued but can’t get any relief regardless of how much you rest or sleep. You feel feverish and have a burning sore throat. You’re talking with friends but their words aren’t processing in your head and you start feeling dizzy. You feel electric bolts stinging your brain and body when you hear ambulance sirens or subway announcements on full blast.

That’s a snapshot of what it’s like to have myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). People experience different symptoms, but examples include debilitating fatigue, muscle aches and pains, frequent headaches, sleep problems, shortness of breath, dizziness, problems with thinking, memory and concentrating, sensitivity to sound and light, a sore throat... and the list goes on. The causes are not yet clearly identified, but infections and immune system changes are thought to be possibilities.

This long-term debilitating illness changes patients’ lives, including that of the writer.

Going out with friends, pulling an all-nighter to get work done, cooking dinner for family.... The things you used to do, and want to do, become extremely strenuous, if not impossible. You feel like you are not able to live the life you used to.

Patients also experience emotional pain resulting from stigma, lack of understanding, not being taken seriously by doctors (which contributes to lack of or delay in proper diagnosis), lack of proper medical care or welfare, a sense of isolation, and the inability to work and take part in society. No cure or treatment has been found, and the only option is to experiment with ways that might help manage symptoms.

Many people are left undiagnosed and devastated without a clue as to what might be causing their symptoms. If you or someone you know is suffering from these symptoms, please check out some of the resources below.

(315 words) Written by Maya




これらは筋痛性脳脊髄炎/慢性疲労症候群 (ME/CFS) の症状の一例です。人によって様々ですが、極度の倦怠感と疲労感、筋肉痛、頭痛、睡眠障害、息切れ、めまい、思考力・記憶力・集中力の低下、音や光に対する過敏症、喉の痛みなど、症状は多岐にわたります。原因はまだ解明されていませんが、ウイルス感染症や免疫システムの変化などが可能性として考えられています。



患者さんは身体的だけでなく、精神的な苦痛も感じています。周囲からの偏見や無理解、孤独感、社会から切り離されている感覚。医師の理解や知識が欠如している (正しい診断がなされない・診断の遅れにもつながる)、適切な医療的ケアや福祉の支援が受けられない、働けない。治療法も確立されておらず、症状を少しでも抑えるために試行錯誤するしかありません。


*最近はコロナ後遺症 (long Covid) と ME/CFS の関連が指摘されています。新型コロナウイルス感染から回復しても元の生活が戻らない恐れがあります。現在 (2021年8月) の感染拡大に危機感を感じ、一人でも多くの方がこのような症状で苦しむのを防げれば、という思いがきっかけで発信しています。



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”

The New York Times: “What If You Never Get Better From Covid-19?”

“ME Life is Like... 筋痛性脳脊髄炎 [ME] 持ちのオンライン英会話講師による闘病&日常ブログ” (Blog)
*Mr. Yukey, who is a CFS/ME patient and English teacher, writes articles on the illness and translates comics by Ms. Yurari (below), to provide information and raise awareness of the illness.

ゆらりさんの Note (Ms. Yurari’s articles on “Note”)

『ある日突然、慢性疲労症候群になりました。: この病気、全然「疲労」なんかじゃなかった…』倉恒弘彦先生 (監修)、ゆらりさん  (著) (Book by Ms. Yurari)

