
Where My Heart Always Returns

<English follows>






ガウディ本人が生きている時に制作されたという東側の「生誕のファサード(Fachada de nacimiento)」を飾るのはネイティビティ(キリスト生誕)。3人の賢人や羊飼いもいる。なんか、鍾乳洞みたい。




対となる西の正面は「受難のファサード(Fachada de Pasión)」、キリストの磔刑を中心に、東側とは対照的な、荒削りの木彫りのような彫刻があしらわれている。













I found it as a forest of colours.

The fright took about just over two hours to get to Barcelona from London. We arriving there in the afternoon, dropped luggages off at the hotel, and walked along to the the lush boulevard. Then spires under construction appeared in one corner. Then up close, I found it like a gracious huge tree. Maybe it's because it has many curves?

The replica was in the entrance balcony. The ash peaces are completed, and the yellow peaces, unfinished. The completion goal had been 2026, the 100th memorial of Gaudi's death, but it is currently said to be 2032.

Nativity Façade

The Sagrada Família means "Holy Family," as all of the sculptures and designs are connected to the story of the Bible. The eastern facade of the Sagrada Familia is the "Nativity Façade", and we see the newborn Jesus and three wise men and shepherds.

The south pillar is supported by a sea turtle, and the north pillar by a land tortoise. This corresponds to the topography of Barcelona, which is situated between the sea in the south and the mountains in the north. Antoni Gaudí was not only a religious man but also a nature enthusiast.ver of nature.

The iron front door is decorated with plant carvings, and you can see many small creatures when you look closely. It is the work of Etsuro Tono, a Japanese sculptor who has been the artistic director here for many years. I am proud to hear about the great job of someone from my mother country.

Passion Façade

The opposing west facade is the "Passion Façade," with the theme of the crucifixion of Christ. It is decorated with scary carvings with a woodcarving-like texture. It is completely different from the east side.

The man on the left is said to resemble Gaudi himself. When he died in a traffic accident, he had so devoted himself to his work that he was dressed like a homeless. Those who helped him did not realise he was the great architect.

The soldier beside him looks like a Stormtrooper from "Star Wars", but this one came first. George Lucas came here to see the sights and was inspired by them.

The front features a colourful, pop, and strangely organic motif. Amazingly, he came up with such a design and implemented it.

Spectacular forest of colours

And inside the cathedral... it was a forest of light. The pillars are trees, the ceiling is deep treetops, and the light filtering through the stained grasses is sunlight filtering through the trees.

As I gazed up at the unfinished stained glass near the ceiling, I couldn't help but wonder. What will it look like when it's completed? Will it add a new dimension to the already breathtaking play of light and colour within the cathedral?

Someone advised that the evening is the best to visit there to watch the sunlight through the stained-glasses. Indeed, as the rays of the sun bathed the interior, the forest of colours came alive.

The West window is the red of the Passion. When I hear the word "Passion" in English, what comes to my mind first is human enthusiasm or zest. However, in fact, the term originally comes from the Latin "pasio," meaning suffering or pain. Later, the other positive meaning was added in the religious context.

The East window, on the other hand, is the blue and green of life and nature (forest and ocean). I had no idea that Sagrada Familia was such an incredibly colourful place. It's like being in a giant kaleidoscope.

Oh, I loved the spiral staircase. I can only introduce a small part of this majestic basilica.

I regret not buying the optional ticket to the upper gallery. I also missed visiting the crypt. If I hadn't gone there with children, I would have just sat there until closing time and watched the shadows change by the minute. If allowed, I would love to stay to myself in the space for a whole day. I'm not a Christian, but I would have prayed for something and even shed tears of gratitude - if no one else had been watching.

Last month, I saw a strange building in Sintra, Portugal, and it drove me to this world famous unique architecture, Sagrada Familia. Now I found Gaudi is in the class of his own. Even though there was a lot of people (I usually avoid such places), the Sagrada Familia got a special place in my heart.

I'm glad I went. I will never forget.
