
超低予算ライブ撮影考察:単独・複数での撮影/Thoughts on Filming Live Music Show: Filming


The list below is a quick checklist that I consider on or share with someone who is kind enough to come to the set.

映像はこちら (video)

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The biggest difference between the fixed 2nd camera and 2nd camera operator is the human feeling and intelligence. In order to maximize the advantage, you need to give directions.
I am no expert on directing someone, but when you are working with someone, that someone comes to the set with a blank page. Sure, they will bring experience and skills, but it is your job to inform what you want from that person.
Even if you want her/him to shoot as a freestyle, it is very important to tell them that.
In order to give direction, you need to know what you want from the filming.
Whatever you get from the 2nd camera controlled by an actual person, I guarantee that it will be better than the fixed camera, so, relax, and appreciate what you get and enjoy!

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⁃ 1ソングごとにカットすることで、2つのカメラからのファイル数が同じになるようにし、後のシンキングを容易にします。
⁃  第2カメラがないものとして撮影する=必然的に流れるような動きになる。第2カメラに頼っていると、第1と第2カメラが同時にトラブルを迎えた時に自責の念にかられます。バックアップはあくまでバックアップです。
⁃ Cut in each song. 1 song, 1 cut, so that the number of video files from each camera will be the same, and it will be easier to sync them later.
I used to use PluralEyes to sync audio during the free trial period.
I strongly recommend it if you can afford it.
⁃ Film as if there isn't a second camera = Continuous fluid style.
Sometimes the second camera does not work well too when the 1st camera is having trouble. It is best not to rely on the backup.

Example: https://youtu.be/eXy_uaHBRmU

Style examples:
- Gentle vibe song = smooth and fluid motion?
- Upbeat song = Quick transition or radical shift of focus
Example: https://youtu.be/eXy_uaHBRmU

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- その場の注意が最も集中しているところに焦点を当てる。
- 被写体の選択に困ったら、カメラをしっかりと抱え、メインヴォーカルに焦点を当てて被写体を探る。
- 曲やセットの合間にポジションを変えてみる。

- You are welcome to zoom in and focus on something that grabs your attention.
(does not have to be always focusing on the main singer)
- If you are not sure of what to capture...
Stay on the main vocalist & Hold camera steady
- Look at the 2nd camera op...
What is the 2nd op capturing?
Wanna cover different angles than the 2nd op?
Is the audience getting excited? Maybe capture their move?
- Change the positions so that we will cover different angles during the intervals?

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B-ROLES (IF you can)
- 曲の合間に写真などを撮るとサムネイルなどに使えるかもしれない
- 観客、楽器、会場などのクリップ- シャッタースピードを遅めにしたり、スローモーションを使用したり、特にリハーサルがある場合はやってみる。
Example: https://youtu.be/JLN76CVGHto

- Take a few pics between the songs for thumbnails of the videos
- Shots of the audience, instruments, or the location, between songs as a separate cut
- Try a slower shutter speed to give a sense of motion or even slow motion? Especially during the rehearsal.Example: https://youtu.be/JLN76CVGHto

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⁃ 自然な距離感でミュージシャンたちに近寄るのは可。
- 注意されたり、観客が通り抜けようとしてポジションを変えなくてはいけない場合、カメラを抱え撮影を継続しながら慎重に移動する(可能なら)

⁃ You are welcome to go forward or get closer to the performers
(within a natural distance).
- If anyone complains about where you stand, then give away space but also try to hold the camera steady while adjusting the position, IF it is possible, just if, it depends on the vibe.
⁃ If anyone offers you a drink or keeps talking to you, well maybe after the show? or point me and say we are filming, or just take it
(make sure it is not the edibles so that you can go home safely)

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And, stay in touch! It will be always good to share with that person or any other people on the set about what went good, what could be improved, what excited them. Sharing feedback will help you vastly not only for the next shooting but also in the editing process too.

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