

昔、この島には たくさんの兎がすんでいた。
動物は 兎の他に一匹もいないのだった。


波打ち際に倒れていたのは 一匹の狼。
どうやら漂流して 島に流れ着いたらしい。

「いったいなにかしら? 大きな口だけど」
長い耳を傾けて 兎は考え込んだ。


やがて 気絶していた狼が目を覚ました。

立ち上がると あたりを見まわす。
「なんだ? ここはどこだ?」

当惑している狼を見上げて 兎は答えた。

「おれか? おれは狼だ」
空腹だったので 狼は兎を食べたくなった。

でも、かわいらしいので 襲う気になれない。

「この島にいるのは私たち 兎だけよ」

人参を食べる子兎が またかわいらしいのだ。

心やさしい狼は すっかり困ってしまった。

子兎から人参を奪うと 狼は噛みついた。

狼は涙を流しながら 人参を食べるのだった。

兎たちは そんな狼の姿に同情してしまった。

それから この狼がどうなったかというと

つまり そういうわけなのだ。
この島に 人参を食べる狼がいるのは。

Rabbit Island 

Long time ago, there lived many rabbits in a small island.
There were no other creatures except rabbits.

On a sunny day, a rabbit was taking a walk along the beach
when suddenly he came across an animal
which he had not seen before.

It was a wolf lying down on the beach .
It seemed like the wolf was drifted ashore and was unconscious.

“What happened?” the rabbit asked, ”It’s a big mouth.”

The rabbit thought over this, raising his ear in doubt,
but couldn’t figure it out.

Before long the stunted wolf woke up.
“Where am I?” he asked getting up with pain.

The rabbit looked up at the dazed wolf and said
“I am a rabbit and this is our island,
but you, where do you come from?”

The wolf replied, “Me? I am a wolf.”

The wolf was so hungry that he wanted to devour the rabbit
but the rabbit looked so cute that he refrained from this.

The wolf asked
“Is there any other animal to serve as food for me on this island?”
to which the rabbit replied,
“There are only rabbits in this island.”

Soon, all the rabbits on the island gathered together.
The baby rabbits were eating carrots and they were so cute.

The wolf was confused as to what to do.

He thought over and over again
and finally he jumped at the baby rabbit,
grabbed the carrot and took a bite.

He ate up the carrot with tears and the sight was so moving
that they had sympathy for him,
at the thought he must be very hungry.

From that time the wolf and the rabbit lived together happily.

This is why the wolves eat carrots on this island.

