
It's not easy, but absolutely worth it.

Since a new school year starts in April in Japan, it is said that March is the season of farewells and April is the season of encounters.

I am not in Japan this year, but I felt the season of farewells in March because I had to say goodbye from many things. But also I'm getting feel the season of encounters this month because I started new things and I contacted some people who I didn't contact for ages. 

To say that something begins is to say that something ends at the same time. Death comes to everyone equally. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing in this world that lasts forever. Still, people cling to something, want to hold on to something precious, and try new things.

The "someday" or "one day" is never guaranteed. That is why I want to decide "When we actually see?" not like "We'll see soon" or "Let's hang out one day."  If you have something you want to tell someone, you should tell him or her honestly before it's too late.

It is no use crying over spilt milk.

In March, which was a recharging period for me, I gradually replenished my heart with gas, and in April, I finally got enough to start gas up. There are still days when I feel a bit down, but I have a clearer picture of what I need to do now, what I want to do, what I am passionate about, and what makes me feel happy.

I have decided to go outside every day and do one action to help others, whatever it may be. Yesterday I held a door open for an elderly man with a limp and supported him. Today I smiled at everyone got eye contact and thanked with a smile the driver of the car that stopped to help me cross the street. I don't like to use the phrase "I did this for you" because it sounds too egoistic, but I think it's okay if both of us are happy.

Make the people happy, starting with those to your left and right. Of course, including myself. Make a little extra effort to cook a delicious meal for someone, or clean more deeply than usual. Review the normal life. Tell myself "today is the most youngest day of my life." This is what I have been trying to do recently.

I wish that those who spend even one second with me in my life will be filled with a lot of happiness. I wish the day come when they feel that their pain has been rewarded.



