
To the end of land~世界の終わりへ (1)Land’s End


その中で、私がある程度それらの名所を回った後にお薦めしたいのが、イングランドの西の果て、Land’s Endに向かう(を含む)Cornwallへの旅です。勿論最初からCornwallをお薦めしたい気持ちはあるのですが、ロンドンから300キロ程離れていること、名所が点在していて恐らくクルマでないと効率的に回るのが難しいこと、そのためにCornwallの名所を回るには3日程度は最低でも必要になり、短期のUK滞在ではなかなか時間が取りにくいだろうとの思いから、少しUK上級者向けの行程、UKに住んでいる人向けのお勧めということになろうかと思います。




The island of Great Britain, the mainland of UK which includes London, boasts an astonishing number of tourist attractions and places to visit. From London to the Lake District, and Edinburgh in Scotland, there are countless recommendations depending on one's interests.

After visiting many of these famous spots, I highly recommend a journey to Cornwall, which includes Land's End at the westernmost tip of England. While I would love to recommend Cornwall right from the start, it is about 300 kilometers away from London, and its attractions are scattered. This makes it difficult to efficiently explore without a vehicle, requiring at least three days to fully appreciate Cornwall’s sights. Thus, this itinerary might be more suitable for those who have already spent some time in the UK or who live here.

Cornwall is an administrative area known as Cornwall County, a peninsula surrounded by sea at the far west of England. Due to its geographically isolated location, it remains somewhat difficult to access from London. This isolation has led to a unique culture and cuisine, making Cornwall one of the more distinct regions in England. Interestingly, the food in Cornwall is quite delicious, and the people are friendly and warm, giving the area a unique charm within England.

Clotted cream, which is popular even in Japan, is primarily produced in this region. Enjoying an afternoon tea with scones generously topped with clotted cream is a blissful experience. Any food with "Cornish" in its name originates from Cornwall, and while these can often be found in London and other places, seeing this name usually assures you that it will be delicious (though there are no guarantees outside of Cornwall).

With this introduction, I would like to share my journey through Cornwall in a series of entries.




