
Design Reflections: Community-Centered Revolution/コミュニティ中心の革命



テーマ 「コミュニティ中心の革命: デザイン・ランドスケープにおけるグループの交錯」

Today's design landscape is undergoing a community-centered revolution. With a rising focus on social impact, sustainability, and inclusivity, design is playing a critical role in fostering community engagement and enhancing people's quality of life. This shift is evident across different fields, from architecture and interior design to events and coworking spaces. The ongoing revolution in the design landscape is underscored by its community-centered nature. It's not just about creating aesthetically pleasing designs anymore; it's about using design as a tool to bring people together, foster community engagement, and create a more inclusive and sustainable world. As this trend continues to grow, it will be exciting to see how designers continue to innovate and create spaces and experiences that truly put the community at the center.


Adaptive Reuse and Retrofit Projects: In the field of architecture, the trend of adaptive reuse is becoming increasingly popular. This approach, which involves repurposing old buildings for new uses, not only conserves architectural heritage but also fosters a sense of community by reinvigorating shared spaces.
- アダプティブ・リユースとレトロフィット・プロジェクト: 建築の分野では、順応的再利用のトレンドがますます人気を集めている。古い建物を新しい用途に再利用するこのアプローチは、建築遺産を保護するだけでなく、共有スペースを活性化することで、コミュニティの感覚を育みます。

Dockyard Church Community Hub - Hugh Broughton Architects

Figma Config 2023, Figma's Annual Conference: In the digital design community, events like Figma's annual conference are fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared learning among designers. Figma has a lively community of creators who promote the exchange of ideas and best practices.
- Figmaの年次会議、Figma Config 2023: デジタル・デザイン・コミュニティでは、Figmaの年次会議のようなイベントが、デザイナー間の仲間意識と共有学習を育んでいます。Figmaには、アイデアやベストプラクティスの交換を促進するクリエイターたちの活発なコミュニティがあります。

Config 2023

Inclusive Design Approach in Modern Workspaces: In the realm of interior design, there's a growing focus among companies on enhancing community and coworking spaces through inclusive design to cater to the diverse needs of individuals, including those with autism, seniors, and artists. This approach fosters a sense of belonging and improves productivity, thereby contributing to a stronger community within these shared spaces.
- 現代のワークスペースにおけるインクルーシブデザインのアプローチ: インテリアデザインの領域では、企業間でコミュニティと共同作業スペースをインクルーシブデザインを通じて強化し、自閉症のある人々、シニア、アーティストなど、個々の多様なニーズに対応するという焦点が増しています。このアプローチは帰属意識を育み、生産性を向上させることで、これらの共有スペース内のより強固なコミュニティづくりに貢献しています。

The Autism ASPECTSS™ Design Index

Trehaus - A Coworking Space with Childminding Facilities: The rise of coworking spaces like Trehaus reflects a shift towards community-centered workplaces. By incorporating childminding facilities, these spaces are becoming more inclusive, catering to the needs of working parents and fostering a stronger sense of community.
- トレハウス - 託児施設を備えたコワーキングスペース: Trehausのようなコワーキングスペースの台頭はコミュ ニティ中心のワークプレイスへのシフトを反映している。託児施設を併設することで、これらのスペースはより包括的 になり、働く親のニーズに応え、より強いコミュニティ意識を育んでいる。

The path of design is always evolving, just like us. As we close the chapter on our design reflections series for 2023, I hope you've enjoyed the journey through the landscape of design. Thank you for joining us in our exploration!


※サムネール画像: COLLINS

