
色と個性 Colorful personalities


This week, I am in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan.


In Uzbekistan, the daytime temperatures are in the late 20s Celsius, making for relatively comfortable days. Compared to Bangkok, where it was over 40 degrees Celsius every day, it is much more pleasant here, and I can see dandelion fluff along the roadside, signaling the arrival of spring.


Walking around the city, Tashkent feels very green. There are trees lining the streets and parks everywhere, giving the impression that the entire town is enveloped in greenery. Perhaps because of this, I feel the presence of negative ions, and even when I'm dictating text while walking, it feels pleasant.

また、街を歩いていて目につくのが白い車の多さです。街を走っている8割近くの車が白色なのです。特に白のChevrolet Cobaltが多い印象を受けます。調べてみると、Cobaltはウズベキスタン国内で生産されており、白色が安価で夏の日差しを反射し、また汚れが目立たないということで人気があるそうです。そんなことから、タシュケントを色で表すとしたら、僕は緑と白を選ぶでしょう。思えば、街中を走っているバスの色も緑と白だったような気がします。

Also noticeable while walking through the city is the abundance of white cars. Nearly 80% of the cars on the streets are white, especially the Chevrolet Cobalt, which seems prevalent. Research shows that the Cobalt is produced in Uzbekistan, and white is popular because it's cheaper, reflects the summer sun, and doesn't show dirt as much. Thus, if I were to describe Tashkent in colors, I would choose green and white. Come to think of it, even the city buses seem to be green and white.


This makes me wonder what color Tokyo would be. Shinjuku is all about the neon lights of Kabukicho, while the Marunouchi area, including the Imperial Palace, is green. At first glance, it might seem to have a distinct personality, but actually, it may lack one, making it difficult to choose a color. Or perhaps, with no harmony in the city overall, mixing all colors together might turn Tokyo into a shade of gray that represents its atmosphere.


Color, I believe, is a personality in itself. Robotics engineer Hiroshi Ishiguro is known for only wearing black clothes. He says that color is one of the most significant aspects of a person's identity. Like one's surname doesn't change every day, neither should the color of one's identity. I usually wear black t-shirts and black pants, sometimes with a cap, and I've noticed that this attire sometimes has unexpected effects when I walk around the city.


Usually, when I visit a new city, I wander around with a camera in hand, and sometimes I come across events happening in the streets. When I think about taking photos of the event, participants often pose for the camera, or the organizers might even invite me to come to the front. It turns out, the photographers hired for the event are all dressed similarly, in all-black, ninja-like attire, which can be quite useful at times.


Even a single color can reveal the personality of a person or a city. As I add color to my daily life, I continue to make various discoveries while walking through the streets today.



