
Tourism 2.0


I am in Bali this week as well.


Bali is indeed filled with tourists, and as I walk around, I hear Korean, Chinese, French, Spanish, German, Russian, and many other languages. Everywhere you go is a tourist spot, so I find myself engaging in tourist-like activities as well. At Hindu temples, despite the sacred atmosphere, everyone is busy striking poses and taking photos, probably to post on Instagram. This kind of tourism, focused on appearances, makes it hard to deeply understand the history and culture of the place. It made me think about what tourism should really be.


To be honest, typical tourism doesn’t quite suit me. Even when it comes to beaches, I prefer quieter spots where locals gather, where I can read a book and savor the atmosphere, rather than crowded beaches filled with tourists and beach beds. For tourists whose main purpose is taking photos (especially selfies!), there may be no need to understand the cultural background of the places they visit. However, for those like me who wish to feel the essence of the place and understand its supporting culture, a proactive attitude toward learning about its history and culture, at least through the internet, is essential.


When considering tourism strategies, the key question is who we are trying to attract. The traditional approach of simply chasing numbers and focusing only on the number of inbound tourists is becoming obsolete. Instead, there is increasing attention on the "modern luxury segment," travelers who possess both economic power and cultural sophistication. Japan is rich in cultural heritage and natural environments that can be proudly showcased to the world. These include the spiritual aspects of the Japanese people, lush nature, and a unique blend of old and new cultures. There are abundant resources to cater to the demands of this segment.


Being constantly in the position of a tourist makes Tokyo's charm stand out even more. My experience as a tourist in Bali allows me to see Tokyo from a new perspective. With the upcoming Tokyo gubernatorial election, I find myself thinking daily about Tokyo's future and its tourism strategy. As I have written before, the challenge is how to enhance the experiential value and update traditional culture. For example, using generative AI to create Rakugo workshops could allow foreigners to easily enjoy and create Rakugo. Even public baths in the city could be made more accessible for foreigners.


As I walk around, I am often asked, "Where are you from?" When I reply, "From Japan," they often say, "Your English is good." This shows that the language barrier still poses a challenge for foreigners visiting Japan, and I find it quite frustrating.


What should Tourism 2.0 look like? My journey has only just begun.



