



Justice is something that resembles weapons. Everyone, whether it is your friends or enemies, can purchase a weapon as long as they are willing to pay. Likewise, everyone, whether it is your foes or allies, can buy justice as long as they justify themselves. From ancient times, various parties have thrown the words ‘unjust men’ at their enemies. However, unless misled by rhetoric, it has seldom been clear which ones are really ‘unjust men’.

Japanese workers were ordered to leave Panama just because they were born to be Japanese nationals. The United States, as the newspaper reports, must be called ‘unjust’. However, on the other hand, Chinese workers were forced out of Senju just because they were born to be Chinese people. This, too, is unjust. Japan, as the newspaper reports, … no, she has always been ‘just’ for two millennia. It seems that justice has never ever contradicted Tokyo’s interest.

The weapon itself is nothing to be scared of. What you are to be scared of is skills that the warrior with the weapon exerts. Likewise, justice itself you ought not to be afraid of. Rather, scarier is the demagogue’s eloquence. Wu Hou trampled on justice cruelly, ignoring both human and heavenly beings. However, facing the rebellion headed by Li Jingye, the Empress could not but turn pale when reading the appeal against Her Majesty written by Luo Binwang, for the couplet that read ‘One handful of dirt we put on our Emperor’s grave has not yet dried out / Six-chi-tall princes we’ve been waiting for have not yet found out’, it was nothing but a work highly wrought by a born demagogue.

I can never study history without thinking of Yushukan, the military museum located beside the Yasukuni Shrine. In the shimmering corridor that shows us the past we see various forms of justice exhibited. The one that looks like the green dragon blade must be the justice that Confucianism teaches us. The one that resembles a knight’s lance must be that of Christianity. Here we have a thick bundle of fasces. This must be the socialist justice. We have a long sword with a knot over there. That must be the nationalist justice. Seeing all these weapons, I sometimes dream of countless battles and find my heart beating hard, but for better or worse, I have never ever wanted to arm myself with any of those weapons.

 日本人の労働者は単に日本人と生まれたがゆえに、パナマから退去を命ぜられた。これは正義に反している。アメリカは新聞紙に伝えるとおり、「正義の敵」と言わなければならぬ。しかしシナ人の労働者も単にシナ人と生まれたがゆえに、千住から退去を命ぜられた。これも正義に反している。日本は新聞紙の伝えるとおり、― いや日本は二千年来、常に「正義の味方」である。正義はまだ日本の利害と一度も矛盾しなかったらしい。
 武器それ自身は恐れるに足りない。恐れるのは武人の技倆である。正義それ自身も恐れるに足りない。恐れるのは煽動家の雄弁である。武后は人天を顧みず、冷然と正義を蹂躙した。しかし李敬業の乱に当たり、駱賓王の檄を読んだときには色を失うことを免れなかった。「一抔土未乾 六尺孤安在いっぽうのどいまだかわかず ろくしゃくのこいずくにかある」の双句は天成のデマゴオグを待たない限り、発し得ない名言だったからである。
