



Military personnel are close to infants. It is so well-known to us all that it goes without saying that they are fond of heroic actions and they love honour. It is only infants in primary school who value drill training and think highly of reckless courage. What is more, the military think no more of killing than infants do, and in particular, they are very much like infants in that, encouraged by bugles the infantry band plays or by martial songs, they are happy to confront their enemies without so much as realising why they have to fight at all.

This is why what the servicemen are proud of always looks like infant toys. Look at crimson samurai armours and helmets with hoe-shaped crests, and you’ll see that they are not to the taste of grown-ups. And those medals and decorations – I indeed wonder how it is possible for those infantrymen to wear their decorations when they are sober.

 このゆえに軍人の誇りとするものは必ず小児のおもちゃに似ている。緋縅の鎧や鍬形の兜は成人の趣味にかなったものではない。勲章も ― わたしには実際不思議である。なぜ軍人は酒にも酔わずに、勲章を下げて歩かれるのであろう? 
