

The Nose

The great Pascal once said in one of his aphorisms: had Cleopatra’s nose been crooked, the world history might have been completely different because of that crooked nose. However, in fact, we hardly ever see who our sweetheart really is; rather, once we’ve fallen in love with somebody, we deceive ourselves in the most complete manner.

Antony was no exception. If Cleopatra’s nose had been crooked, he would have tried not to see it, and he would have looked for some other good points in her to make up for the defect had he been to made to see it. When it comes to ‘some other good points’, there must be no other lady in the world who has a greater number of good points than our own love. Probably Antony would have found in Cleopatra’s eyes or lips way too much compensation. And on top of that, ‘her heart’! Actually, every sweetheart we love is all equally kind-hearted for all ages and in all places, which we inevitably find dull. What is more, we can sometimes admire as her good points – even her clothes, fortunes, or social status. Or, still more extreme is the case where some of us count as one of her good points even the fact or reputation that she was once loved by a certain prominent figure. On top of this, that lady named Cleopatra is the last Queen of Egypt who was of greatest luxury and mystery, isn’t she? Nobody could have even found her nose slightly crooked, seeing her, in the smoke rising from the incense, fiddling around with a lotus flower or something, much less Antony himself.

Self-deceit like this is not confined to love affairs alone. Putting aside some differences, we usually take the reality for this thing or that as we want. For example, think of a dentist signboard: the reason why we see it is not so much the fact of the signboard itself being there as our mind that wants it to be there – by extension, is it not our toothache? Trivial matters such as our toothache, of course, have nothing to do with world history. However, self-deception like this ought to arise in politicians who wish to know the popular will, or in military personnel who hope to know enemy movements, or in businesspeople wishing to know financial conditions. I do not deny the existence of reason to correct these deceits, but, at the same time, I also admit the existence of ‘contingency’ that controls human business in general. Passion of all sorts is likely to forget the existence of reason, though. ‘Contingency’ is the divine will, so to speak. Then, our self-deception is perhaps a power to make difference in world history, which lasts for the longest time period.

That is to say, history over 2,000 years did not depend upon the nose of one minute person named Cleopatra, but rather upon our stupidity ubiquitous on Earth. History has depended on our silly -  but solemn - stupidity.

 アントニイもそういう例にもれず、クレオパトラの鼻が曲がっていたとすれば、つとめてそれを見まいとしたであろう。また見ずにはいられない場合もその短所を補うべき何か他の長所をさがしたであろう。何か他の長所と言えば、天下にわれわれの恋人ぐらい、無数の長所をそなえた女性は一人もいないのに相違ない。アントニイもきっとわれわれ同様、クレオパトラの目とかくちびるとかに、あり余る償いを見いだしたであろう。その上また例の「彼女の心」!実際われわれの愛する女性は古往今来飽き飽きするほど、すばらしい心の持ち主である。のみならず、彼女の服装とか、あるいは彼女の財産とか、あるいはまた彼女の社会的地位とか、― それらも長所にならないことはない。さらにはなはだしい場合をあげれば、以前ある名士に愛されていたという事実ないし風評さえ、長所の一つに数えられるのである。しかもあのクレオパトラは豪奢と神秘とに充ち満ちたエジプトの最後の女王ではないか?香の煙の立ちのぼる中に、冠の珠玉でも光らせながら、蓮の花か何かもてあそんでいれば、多少の鼻の曲がりなどはなんぴとの目にも触れなかったであろう。いわんやアントニイの目をやである。
 こういうわれわれの自己欺瞞はひとり恋愛に限ったことではない。われわれは多少の相違さえ除けば、たいていわれわれの欲するままに、いろいろ実相を塗り変えている。たとえば歯科医の看板にしても、それがわれわれの目にはいるのは看板の存在そのものよりも、看板のあることを欲することを欲する心、― ひいてはわれわれの歯痛ではないか?もちろんわれわれの歯痛などは世界の歴史には没交渉であろう。しかしこういう自己欺瞞は民心を知りたがる政治家にも、敵状を知りたがる軍人にも、あるいはまた財状を知りたがる実業家にも同じようにきっと起こるのである。わたしはこれを修正すべき理知の存在を否みはしない。同時にまた百般の人事を統べる「偶然」の存在も認めるものである。が、あらゆる熱情は理性の存在を忘れやすい。「偶然」はいわば神意である。するとわれわれの自己欺瞞は世界の歴史を左右すべき、最も永久な力かもしれない。
 つまり二千余年の歴史は眇たる一クレオパトラの鼻のいかんによったのではない。むしろ地上に遍満したわれわれの愚昧によったのである。わらうべき、― しかし荘厳なわれわれの愚昧によったのである。
