



Someone from the ancient time expounded: seen from the eye of Heaven, there exists nothing new. However, there is nothing new not only to the heavenly eye.

According to astronomers, it takes light 36,000 years to reach the Earth from the constellation of Hercules, but even Hercules cannot shine for ever. It is to lose its beautiful light someday in the future, burning to cold ashes. What is more, death is always filled with life: Hercules without light, straying in the vast Heavens, may change into a nebula if there is a good opportunity, and then a new star after another will come into being there.

Compared to the size of the Heavens, even the sun is nothing but a tiny fireball, still less our Earth. Nevertheless, as a matter of fact, what takes place around the galaxy, far at the end of outer space, is not so different from what is happening on the Earth. Life and death are constantly cycling according to the laws of motion. Taking this into consideration, we cannot help feeling some compassion. Actually, those twinkling star lights even seem, to our eye, to express the same emotions as our own. In this regard as well, poets came first to sing of the truth, evoking deep feelings:

Among all those countless stars, as many as sand grains, is a star shining towards me

Stars are, just as we are, in a state of flux – and if so, they could not but feel bored, though.

 しかし星もわれわれのように流転を閲するということは ― とにかく退屈でないことはあるまい。

[訳注] 「真砂なす…」は正岡子規による句。
