


Free Will and Fate

If we believed in fate, it is certain that we would be more tolerant towards criminals since there would be no such thing as crimes and thus there would be no point in punishing people. On the other hand, if we believed in free will, it is definite that we would be stricter with ourselves, for the concept of responsibility would come into being and thus it would prevent our conscience from being paralysed. So, which would it be that we are to follow?

I answer this with composure: we should partly believe in free will, and partly in fate; or, we should partly doubt free will, partly fate. It is because, for example, we married our wives due to our fate, while we do not always buy them half-coats or belts as they please thanks to free will that we are endowed with.

Not just free will and fate, gods and demons, beauty and ugliness, courage and cowardice, reason and faith, and so forth … to any pairs of things on the balance pans of the scales we ought to take an attitude like this. This attitude was called ‘the middle path’ in ancient times. The middle is something that is called ‘good sense’ in English. In my opinion, we are to find no happiness at all unless we can expect some good sense from ourselves. If we were to obtain something anyway, it is not actually happiness but strained endurance such as trying to warm ourselves at charcoal fire under a glaring weather or trying to fan ourselves under a freezing weather.

 自由意志と宿命とにかかわらず、神と悪魔、美と醜、勇敢と怯懦、理性と信仰、 ― その他あらゆる天秤の両端にはこういう態度をとるべきである。古人はこの態度を中庸と呼んだ。中庸とはイギリス語の good sense である。わたしの信ずるところによれば、グッドセンスを待たない限り、いかなる幸福もうることはできない。もしそれでも得られるとすれば、炎天に炭火を擁したり、大寒に団扇を揮ったりするやせ我慢の幸福ばかりである。
