


A Nobody's Prayer

I am a fool, who is satisfied as long as I, wearing this beautifully decorated clothes, perform a somersault for my audience, enjoying the peace. Please hear my prayers.

Let me not be so poor as I’ve got to ask my neighbours for some rice, and at the same time, let me not be so wealthy as I even get sick of delicacies such as bear palms.

Let me not be a guy who keeps away from any woman, even as humble as country female farmers. Besides, let me not be a guy who loves any woman at all, even as noble as those in the emperor’s harem.

Let me not be so stupid that I even lack in common sense. Moreover, let me not be so sagacious as I can even foresee the fate.

Above all, please don’t even think of letting me be a brave hero. Once in a while, I have dreams where I manage to reach an unreachable summit of a lofty peak and to cross an uncrossable stormy sea – where I make possible something impossible, so to speak. Nothing else is so frightening as times when I am having those dreams. I am having such difficulty struggling with these dreams as if I were fighting against a dragon. Never let me be a hero – May God save someone helpless like myself so that I’ll never be determined to be a hero.

I am a nobody, who is satisfied as long as I am drunk on saké brewed in spring and chant the poem of golden dress, enjoying this good day.

 とりわけどうか勇ましい英雄にしてくださいますな。わたしは現に時とすると、よじ難い峰の頂を窮め、越え難い海の波を渡り ― 言わば不可能を可能にする夢を見ることがございます。そういう夢を見ている時ほど、空恐ろしいことはございません。わたしは竜とたたかうように、この夢とたたかうのに苦しんでおります。どうか英雄とならぬように ― 英雄の志を起こさぬように力のないわたしをお守りくださいまし。
