


Likes and Dislikes

I like the old principle of pleasure just as I love old vintage wine. It is not virtue and vice that decide what we do. It is simply likes and dislikes, or pleasure and displeasure. This is the only way I can think of it.

Then, what makes us willing to go into the water, even under the coldest weather, when witnessing an infant just drowning? That is because it is pleasant for us to save him. Then, on what ground have we chosen the pleasure of saving the little child, while others do avoid the displeasure of getting into the water? We have chosen the greater pleasure. However, the bodily pleasure and displeasure cannot be measured on the same criteria as those of the mental pleasure and displeasure, can they? Yes, they can: these two realms of pleasure and displeasure are not really incompatible. Rather, they mingle with each other to form one just as salt water and fresh water do. Actually, gentlemen living in Kyoto and Osaka districts who are not mentally cultured even count it as the greatest pleasure to eat eel along with rice after sipping some softshell turtle soup, don’t they? Besides, consider midwinter swimming to see that there is some bodily pleasure even in cold water. If you still doubt these relations, consider masochism. That disgusting masochism is apparent perversion of bodily pleasure and displeasure which has become addictive. I do believe that most Christian saints seem to have been masochists, who praised ascetic practice of stylites and admired martyrs in flames.

It is likes and dislikes, just as Greeks in ancient times said, and nothing else that decide what we do. We must taste to the most from the fountain of life. ‘Never wear a sad face as those Pharisees do,’ Jesus Himself already told us not to. After all, a wise man is someone who makes roses bloom even on a thorny path.

