
About Acco

Hi! I'm Acco.  Thank you for checking my profile.
I am very happy to connect with you here. (日本語プロフィールはこちら

I am a podcaster, imperfect story teller, and mother of three boys who loves travelling and dancing.

Born and raised in Hiroshima city, I have started my career as an analyst in an American multinational company in Tokyo.
After giving birth of my 1st son, I have moved to Singapore accompanied my husband who has relocated from Tokyo office in 2006.  I gave birth another two boys and stayed there for 11 years, working as a part time secretary, and as a museum docent in Singapore Art Museum & National Museum of Singapore.

My three sons and I have moved to Johor Bahru (JB), a city at the southern end of Peninsular Malaysia, to let my sons study at an international school there in 2017 when my husband changed his career in Tokyo.  Though we have decided to go back to Japan after one year, as I felt difficulty to take care of my three young boys all by myself, and also, we found that our sons are  losing their Japanese language skills and their identity as a Japanese.  

It was our Big challenge to get used to the new life in Japan, as it's completely different from the easy-going life in Singapore/Malaysia.

While settling our life in Tokyo, I joined  a workshop using a  card game called ”2030SDGs Game” which has been designed in Japan. This experience made me noticed the transformative possibility of  SDGs, and at the same time, it made me realized that I can be a part of change makers.

At the end of summer of 2019, I have started my own podcast show, "Across the World", to pursuit my passion of sharing the life stories by my voice.  In this show, I interview amazing people who is pursuing their life purpose in Japan and all over the world. They shared their life stories and tips to step out of the comfort zone to make a difference to the world. 

In this podcast, I am also sharing my life journey, honest struggles to find my true-self, listening my inner voice, to live the life I truly love. We are all imperfectly perfect, so I want everyone to be proud of being just as we are.
I share some of my favorite quotes and tips  to be able to celebrate our imperfectly perfect life. (mostly in Japanese language)

I organize online community of Across the World,  and just started to coach Japanese women who wants to live the life they love, and also, I help planning and organizing Online/Offline events.

Please feel free to leave your comments, or mark "Suki (Like it)♡" and follow me if you like this note. Thank you for reading till the end of the page!

List of my websites and social media:
【Across the World Podcast】 https://anchor.fm/acco
【Across the World Website】https://www.acrossg.net/
【Facebook Page】 https://www.facebook.com/acroslife/
【My Instagram】https://www.instagram.com/acco.sing/


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