

みなさま、はじめまして! 看護師のSiriusADHD(シリウス)と申します。




※English version available at the bottom.











参考:内閣府 日本の長期人口趨勢より

















Today, October 10, 2022, is World Mental Health Day.

Compared to physical health, mental health is still not as important as physical health.

Especially in Japan, prejudice and discrimination against mental illnesses and mental disorders still persist due to peer pressure, closed society, lack of correct knowledge and information, and lack of understanding.

Many people are suffering from mental illness because they are unable to talk to anyone or consult a counselor.

Health is defined as not only physical health but also mental health.

Japanese people are also genetically predisposed to have low levels of serotonin, one of the neurotransmitters in the brain, which has a significant impact on stress tolerance and mood.

(It is said that 60-70% of Japanese people, but not all of them, have weak serotonin levels.)

Because of this, mental health is an inevitable and important issue for Japanese people.

The above is also thought to be a factor in why there are so many suicides in Japan.


Furthermore, Japan is entering a low birthrate, super-aging society, and rapid population decline, with a population of 159 million by 2050, and by 2100, a population of 464 50,000 to 64,130,000 people are expected to decrease.


(Reference: from Long-term Population Trends in Japan, Cabinet Office)

In countries around the world, the number of suicides due to mental illness is increasing rapidly year by year, and we believe that mental health is an issue common to all humankind that cannot be avoided.

In the midst of a rapidly shrinking population, it is important that not only the individual, but also those around him or her and society as a whole provide support and assistance so that as few people as possible will voluntarily end their precious lives.

In addition to physical health, it is equally important to maintain mental health.

I submitted this article in the hope that World Mental Health Day 2022 will be a day to rethink about mental health.

Wishing all people and animals around the world a healthy and happy coexistence.

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare: 10:00 a.m. (JST) Celebrities, peer supporters and others will talk about mental health in an easy-to-understand way!


<What is World Mental Health Day?

"The World Federation of Mental Health has designated October 10 as World Mental Health Day since 1992, with the aim of raising public awareness of mental health issues, eliminating prejudice, and spreading correct knowledge.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has since joined in support, making it an official international day (International Day of Remembrance).


<What is the Silver Ribbon Movement?

"The Silver Ribbon is the symbol of a movement aimed at promoting understanding of diseases (disorders) and mental health caused by the brain and mind.

The movement has evolved over the years and is now a movement to promote understanding of brain and mental disorders and mental health, aiming to alleviate misconceptions and prejudice against brain and mental disorders and to realize a society in which individuals and their families can live positively. It is being developed on a global scale.


(Quoted from: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)

*Today's cover photo and the photos I posted are copyrighted by Sirius@ADHD (and in part by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare). Any unauthorized use or use for any purpose other than mental health awareness is strictly prohibited.

#世界メンタルヘルスデー #worldmentalhealthday #厚生労働省 #WHO #シルバーリボン運動
