また気がつけば金曜日。なんて早いんだろう。私、今週は何をしていたっけ。些細な事で不安になってしまう1週間だったな。あ、でもUber Eatsのリュックが届いて、名刺作りも進めた(まだ途中)。イラストも毎日のように描いていたし、ブログの更新をけっこうした気がする。後は…なんだろう、ま、頑張ったよね。
I was tired when I woke up.
I went to the restaurant with my family. the restaurant has delicious steak. I ordered a steak. That's sooo delicious! The steak made me happy.
I back from restaurant and wrote a blog.
It's getting dark. I have to make a business card. I'll do that.
oh, by the way. I sent hula dance school an email yesterday. I have received replay today. I got a replay and I was relieved , because I had many work interview recently but I haven't heard from those company.
I'll take a lesson to Next Monday. I'm looking forward to take a Hula dance lesson.
I'll take a rest tonight.
フラダンス… Hula dance
〜〜にメールを送った…sent ~~ email
返事… replay
受け取った… received
〜〜から返事がこない… haven't heard from〜〜
ほっとした… relived
再来週… Next
来週が next で再来週はNext って言うなんて知らなかったな。
Youtube でフラダンスの動画を見ながら予習しておこう〜!楽しみだなぁ。