
新美南吉(Nankichi Niimi)作『手袋を買いに (To Buy Mittens)』

原作 新美南吉作『手袋を買いに』(青空文庫) 訳 関成孝


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手袋を買いに(To Buy Mittens)


To the forest where a little fox and his mother lived, came the cold winter from the north. One morning when the little fox tried to jump out of the cave, he screamed and rushed back to his mother, covering his eyes with his paws.  “Mom, something is stuck in my eyes. Take it out, please! Hurry up, hurry up!” screamed the little fox.


The mother got flustered and cautiously put her son's paws aside but could not find anything stuck in his eyes. She could not understand the situation until she was outside of the cave. She realized that there was a lot of snow last evening. She saw brilliant sunlight reflected on the surface of the white snow. She thought that her boy might have been dazzled by the strong reflections of sunlight, since he had not experienced the snow, and felt that something was stuck in his eyes.


The little fox went out of the cave to play. On the cotton-like soft snow, he ran around and saw small rainbows emerge in the sprays of snow powder.


Suddenly, with a tremendous sound, pounds of snow powder dropped on him and covered him softly like a quilt. The little fox was surprised and jumped away some ten meters in the snow.  He tried to find out what it was but could not see anything. It was the snow dropped from a branch of a pine tree.  The snow still fell occasionally in the form of silk thread between  branches.


Returning to the cave shortly, the little fox said, “Mom, my hands got very chilly. My hands are numb.” and stretched his wet and peony pink hands to his mother. She blew on his paws and softly put her paws on them to warm her son. “You’ll feel warm soon when you touch the snow.” said the mother. However, she felt sorry for her son if he would get frostbite and thought she should go to the town in the evening to buy small wool mittens which would fit him well. 


Dark night came to cover the fields and the woods with the veils of dark shadow, but the snow was too bright to stop it looming out over everything.


The silver foxes, mother and her boy, came out of the cave. The boy crept under the belly of his mother to walk with her, blinking his round eyes and curiously looking around.


In the meantime, the foxes came to see a light on their way ahead. “Can a star twinkle so low in the sky?”, said the boy to his mother. “My boy, it is not a star.” the mother fox replied and became frozen on the spot.

⑨「あれは街の灯(ひ)なんだよ」 その街の灯を見た時、母さん狐は、あるとき街へお友達と出かけて行って、とんだめにあったことを思出(おもいだ)しました。およしなさいっていうのもきかないで、お友達の狐が、或(あ)る家の家鴨(あひる)を盗もうとしたので、お百姓(ひゃくしょう)に見つかって、さんざん追いまくられて、命からがら逃げたことでした。

“It is the light of a town.” When she saw the light, the mother fox remembered an awful day she had had when she went to town with her friend. Her friend tried to steal a duck in a farm despite her warning and was found by the farmer. They barely escaped from the farmer who chased them around.


“What are you doing, mom?  Let's go!” said the little fox from beneath the belly of the mother, but she could not make a step forward. Reluctantly, she decided to let her son go to the town alone.


“My boy, show me one of your hands”, said the mother. She held one of his hands for a while to make it a small hand of a human child. The little fox opened, closed, pinched and smelled the transformed hand.


“It is strange, mom. What is this?” said the little fox and stared at the hand in the light of the snow.


“It is the hand of a human being. Listen carefully, my boy. You go to the town and you will see many human houses. Try to find a house with a signboard of a round chapeau. When you find it, knock on the door and say “Good evening." Then a man opens the door slightly. Show him this “human” hand through the doorway and ask him for mittens which fit the hand.  Ok?  Do you understand?  Don’t show the other hand, OK? ” told the mother.


“Why not?” asked the little fox. “The man will not sell mittens to a fox. He may catch you and put you in a cage. Human beings are awfully scary.”


“Oh, really?”


“Never ever show this hand. Make sure you show the right one-- the "human" hand” said the mother and she gave her son a couple of white bronze coins in his “human” hand.


The little fox toddled along to the light of the town on the field gleamed with snow light. The single light he saw first was split into two, three and ten as he neared the town. He realized that there were red, yellow and blue lights as if they were shining stars.  When he entered the town, all houses had closed their doors and the warm lights of houses spilled from high above the streets to the surface of snow.


The little fox looked for the chapeau shop checking the signboards, most of them lit with small lamps.  Some signboards appeared recently painted and some were peeled off like old walls, with the pictures of bicycles, glasses and others, but the little fox had no idea what they were since it was the first time for him to come to a town.


At last, the little fox found a chapeau shop. As his mother told him, there was a big signboard of a black silk hat illuminated by a blueish light. The little fox knocked the door as he was told to do so by his mother.

⑳「今晩は」 すると、中では何かことこと音がしていましたがやがて、戸が一寸ほどゴロリとあいて、光の帯が道の白い雪の上に長く伸びました。

“Good evening.” After the rattling sounds inside, the door rumbled to open slightly and a lay of light stretched onto the snowy street.

㉑ 子狐はその光がまばゆかったので、めんくらって、まちがった方の手を、――お母さまが出しちゃいけないと言ってよく聞かせた方の手をすきまからさしこんでしまいました。「このお手々にちょうどいい手袋下さい」

The little fox was dazzled by the light and showed the opposite hand—the real hand the mother warned him never ever show--through the gap of the door. “Give me a pair of mittens which fit this hand, please.”


The shop owner was surprised to see the paw of a little fox.  The little fox was asking for mittens. The owner thought that the fox came to the shop with fake money made of leaves.  Therefore, he said, “Please give me money, first.”  The little fox obediently handed him two white bronze coins gripped in the hand. 


When the shop owner hit the coins together he heard metallic clicking sounds.  He was sure they were not fake coins made of leaves.  So he  took out a pair of mittens for children on a shelf and handed them to the little fox.  The little fox thanked the owner and turned back the way he came from.


"My mom said that human beings were scary, but he was not at all.  He didn't harm me when he saw my real hand."  thought the little fox.  He wanted to know how human beings really were.

「ねむれ ねむれ 母の胸に、ねむれ ねむれ 母の手に――」

When the little fox came by a window, he heard the voice of a human mother.  He was impressed by the voice which was so tender, beautiful and graceful.  "Slumber sweetly, slumber O my baby, Gently rocked by Mother's gentle hand--"


The little fox was sure that it was a human mother singing to her child.    Because, his mother also sings a song with a tender voice like that when he goes to sleep.


Then, the little fox heard the voice of the child.  "Mom, a little fox in the forest must be crying complaining of the cold. "  The mother responded by saying, "The little fox must be listening to her mother singing and going to sleep in the cave.  Now you go to sleep, my dear.  Will you or the little fox go to sleep first?  I think it will be you."  Listening to their conversation, the little fox suddenly missed his mother and rushed back to his mother. 


Since the mother fox was waiting for the boy to return impatiently, shivering with anxiety, she hugged him and burst with joy when he came back. 


The mother and the little foxes went back to the forest.  They shone silver under the moon light and left cobalt color footprints. 


"Mom, the human beings were not scary at all." said the little fox.  "Why not?" asked the mother.  He replied , "I showed the shop owner the real hand by mistake.  But he didn’t try to catch me.  He gave me such a wonderful pair of warm mittens." and clapped his hands with the mittens. 


The mother fox was amazed but wondered "Are human beings really good?  Are they really good?"  

おしまい(The end)



 Special thanks to Y.A. and C.A. for editing the text.
