#1_「茶の湯外交」のご紹介 / Introduction to Tea Diplomacy

こんにちは!特定非営利活動法人 桜茶meetの創業代表・河合顕子と申します。

Hello, my name is Akiko Kawai, the founder and CEO of Sakura Cha Meet, a global non-profit organization.

1) はじめに / Introduction


On this site, I will write about my activities, my thoughts and intentions behind them, as well as posts from members from around the world in Japanese and English. Thank you for your support. 



For the first post, I would like to give a brief introduction to "tea ceremony diplomacy." I hope you will be interested in it.

2) 茶の湯外交を始めたきっかけ / How did tea diplomacy begin?


We recognized the global need for harmony and started by working with top embassies in Washington, D.C.


<↑ 在米フランス大使公邸にて / Above: The residence of the French ambassador to the U.S.>


<↑ 在米チェコ大使公邸にて / Above: At the residence of the Czech ambassador to the U.S.>

「日本の茶文化は、一人ひとりの心の中に『平和な空間 - a moment - 」を作ってくれるね」。世界中の要人をも惹きつける日本の「茶の湯文化」は、私が政治の町ワシントンDCで見つけた「日本の至宝」でした。お茶は、和の精神を凝縮しており、相手のことを思いやることで成り立っています。この「思いやり」の概念が国際交流において今後、重要な鍵になってくると考え、「茶の湯外交」を始めました。

The Japanese tea culture creates a peaceful space- a once in a lifetime moment- in each of our hearts. The Japanese culture of the tea ceremony, which attracts admirers from all over the world, is a "treasure" that I discovered in Washington D.C. The culture of tea is based on the spirit of harmony and consideration for others. I believe that this concept of compassion will be an important key to international exchange in the future, which is why I started "tea diplomacy."


<↑ 各国外交官を招待したWashington Diplomat紙と共催の茶会 / Above: The Washington Diplomat invited diplomats from around the world to a tea ceremony>


<↑ ワシントンDC トップシェフ/ソムリエを招いた日本茶講座 / Above: Japanese Tea Course with top chefs and sommeliers in Washington, D.C.>

3) 誰もが楽しめる「茶楽(さくら)」スタイル / 
A "Sakura" Style Tea Ceremony For Everyone to Enjoy


<↑ イスラエル首都テルアビブにて / Above: Tea demonstration in Israel's capital, Tel Aviv >


The tea ceremony is based on the concept of "Sakura," which is easy to enjoy for everyone and aims to create a space that is a fusion of different cultures and to deepen mutual understanding. At the same time, we are creating a circle of "sukisha," people who pass on the spirit of harmony from the tea ceremony to the world and build a bridge to peace.

4) 日本の皆様へ / To the people of the world


We hope that more and more people around participate in this activity and become a driving force behind it.


<↑ 当アメリカ法人Sakura Cha Meet インターンチーム / Above: Intern Team>


<↑ コロナ禍でも楽しくzoom meeting / Above: Study Session on Zoom despite Coronavirus >
