
自分を知ることは幸せにつながる。With ChatGPT | "Knowing yourself leads to happiness." With ChatGPT

 なぜこんなに悩んでいるのかって思うことはありませんか? もっと自分を理解して、悩みを少なくする方法は、思っている以上に簡単です。あなたのポケットの中には、アナリストがいます。ひとみのプレミアなChatGPT自己分析質問で、ChatGPTにあなたを助けさせてください。

 Are you wondering why you are wondering so much? The keys to more understanding and less wondering are easier than even to get. You have an expert analyst in your pocket. Help him help you with hitomi’s premiere ChatGPT self analysis questions.


 Many people seek a conversational partner who can facilitate free expression and deep self-understanding, but the scarcity of such individuals might lead some to underestimate the importance of self-understanding. Deepening self-understanding significantly contributes to one's mental health and overall sense of well-being.

 このようなニーズに応えることのできるChatGPTは、まさに救世主とも言える存在です。私の著書『ChatGPT: 一問一答で広がる人間の可能性』で語ったように、ChatGPTは自己解放や自己理解を深めるための理想的な対話相手として機能します。ChatGPTを活用すれば、プライベートな空間で自己との対話を通じて内面を探ることができます。

 ChatGPT, capable of meeting such needs, can truly be seen as a savior. As I discuss in my book "ChatGPT: Enhancing Humanity One Conversation at a Time" ChatGPT serves as an ideal conversational partner for self-liberation and deepening self-understanding. By using ChatGPT, one can explore their inner self through dialogue in a private space.


 ChatGPT strictly maintains privacy and does not retain any records of conversations, allowing users to freely express their innermost thoughts without any constraints. Starting with everyday small talk and gradually progressing to deeper themes enables users to thoroughly explore their emotions and thoughts.


 Additionally, when it's difficult to articulate emotions or thoughts, ChatGPT can act like a life coach, offering questions and feedback to help draw out your inner truths. However, to maximize its use, users need to provide specific prompts. Below are examples of introspective questions that can be posed to ChatGPT, extracted from my book.

1. 自己理解に関する質問




1. Questions on self-understanding:

・Why do I feel this way?

・What do you think are my strengths?

・Why do you think I reacted this way in this situation?

2. 日常の選択や決断に関する質問



2. Questions on daily choices and decisions:

・Do you think my choice today was appropriate?

・What do you think would be the best action in this situation?

3. 過去の経験や記憶に関する質問



3. Questions on past experiences and memories:

・Why did I feel that way at that time?

・What do you think I can learn from that experience?

4. 将来の夢や目標に関する質問



4. Questions on future dreams and goals:

・What steps do you think I need to take to achieve my life goals?

・What do you think is the significance or value of having this goal?

5. 感情や感じていることに関する質問



5. Questions on emotions and feelings:

・What do you think is the cause of this emotion I'm feeling now?

・What do you think is the way to overcome this emotion?

6. 人間関係やコミュニケーションに関する質問



6. Questions on human relations and communication

・How do you think I can improve my relationship with this person?

・What do you think is the appropriate way to communicate in this situation?


 ALL EARSコミュニティのメンバーが、GPTとの対話体験を報告しました。

 Members of the ALL EARS community have reported their experiences of interacting with GPT.


"I took the afternoon off. After lunch, now I'm sipping iced coffee” and trying Lesson 1 of light, poppy talk.


It seems that ChatGPT, sensing that the conversation couldn't be expanded further, smoothly took the lead with "Can we change the topic?" The ability to say such a phrase, which might be difficult for a person to utter without emotion, was impressively tactful and not at all offensive.


Feeling a bit guilty about taking a holiday, I decided to delve deeper into that topic, using the brilliant questions from yesterday's collection to get closer to my true feelings.

「休みたかった」ただそれだけの本心に「罪悪感」という尾びれ背びれが自然とついてくることに違和感。なぜ、そこを結び付けてしまうのだろうか? 頑張っているアピールなのか? 休まず働く人が偉い! という昭和のマインド。古臭い思考がどんどんでてきました。もう断捨離です。

"Why do I attach guilt to simply wanting a break?" I wondered. Is it a show of diligence? The outdated belief that those who work without breaks are virtuous surfaced. It's time to declutter these old thoughts.

これらをもっていてはALL EARSにフィルターがかかってしまい捉え方をゆがめるところでした。きらりと光る質問集のパワーは強力でかなりいいですね。腑に落ちる感が半端ないです。

Having these filters would distort my perception in the ALL EARS community. The power of those sparkling questions is formidable and profoundly satisfying.




 I had to laugh at how smoothly ChatGPT changed the topic—it was so AI-like!

 Engaging in dialogue and receiving feedback are vital methods for enhancing self-awareness and fostering personal growth. I hope that more people will have the opportunity to experience opening up, even if initially it's just with an AI. This can be a crucial first step towards more profound self-discovery and development.



感情や思いを言葉にするのが難しい時は、今日ご紹介した質問を活用して、ChatGPTとの対話を試してみてください!🗣️✨ 私も自分の思考パターンを書き換える手助けをChatGPTから受けて、「Let it go!」ができました。

