
世界を見る目を変える旅への招待|An invitation to a journey that changes the way we see the world

 一人ひとりがスーラの点描画のように、良い聞き手は増えていき、私たちの世界の新しいイメージを形成します。より明るい「ALL EARS World」へと変わっていきます。

 One person at a time like dots in a Seurat, good listeners will multiply to form a new image of our world, a brighter All Ears World.


 Our daily lives are shaped by the range of our perceptions. What we see, what we can feel, all of these construct our world. But, what if we could expand the scope of our cognition? How much could our visible world change? The journey to find an answer to this question begins now. The "Cognitive Revolution" that occurs at the intersection of art, science, and human intellect has the potential to profoundly influence the way we act and think.




◎Initiating a Cognitive Revolution

"In fact, what we humans perceive is nothing more than the world we are cognizant of. Therefore, if the range of our cognition expands, so too will the world we see, and our actions will change accordingly. Perhaps that's the role of art. I think it would be wonderful if we could bring about a cognitive revolution," said Mr. Inoko, the representative of teamLab.

I have visited teamLab's exhibitions several times, but the emotion I felt when I first experienced stepping into their visual displays is unforgettable. It stimulated not just the visual senses but also other senses, offering a completely new experience. It was not just the beauty that moved me but the realization that there was an intention to expand the world humans can perceive, leading me to new discoveries.



◎Discovery and Sharing Have Advanced Civilization

"When you think about Impressionism, it coincides with the time when paint tubes were introduced. Before that, without tubes, artists were confined to painting indoors, and it was dark because there was no electricity. Monet wanted to paint the shimmering pond he saw when he took his paints outside. Around that time, a physicist had discovered 'visible light rays.' We know that purple paint, being a mix of red and blue, tends to be darker than either red or blue alone. As paints are mixed, they generally become darker. So, inherently, purple paint, a mixture of red and blue, is always darker than red. However, when red and blue are perceived as separate dots and mix in the eye, their brightness remains unchanged. The purple that mixes in the eye is brighter than the purple mixed from paint. This discovery would have universal impact. By painting in such a manner, one could create brighter images. Monet was the first person in humanity to paint with such brightness. It's cool, and since people are moved by emotion, they act upon it. Because it's a universal concept, art can be shared and reproduced through knowledge," Mr. Inoko's words also left a lasting impression.


 Learning about this story expanded my cognition once again. I had always sensed the brightness in Impressionist works, but I never imagined it was due to advances in science and technology. This discovery gave birth to a new form of art known as Impressionism. Next week, I plan to visit a teamLab exhibition at Azabudai Hills. Having heard Mr. Inoko's thoughts, I anticipate an even deeper sense of wonder awaits. I'm very much looking forward to it.


 And so, I began to think about sharing my own knowledge. For 18 years, as a life coach, I have shared my experiences and discoveries about listening through newsletters, DVDs, and more recently, publishing on Kindle. However, I rarely taught directly, as I found it challenging to put the wisdom I gained from experiences into words. But last year, through publishing on Kindle and engaging in conversations with ChatGPT, I successfully shared my wisdom. Listening is a universal skill that can be shared and replicated. Acquiring this skill has dramatically changed my worldview. When cognition changes, behavior changes as well. Sharing this knowledge, I have no doubt, will make many more people happier.

 それに伴い、「ALL EARS」コミュニティを来る3月より立ち上げることに決めました。この新しいプラットフォームでは、私自身が著者として参加し、メンバーたちと共にKindleで発表した本を読み進めていきます。本の各セクションや章を一緒に深掘りし、傾聴力に関するスキルをより実践的に身につけるチャンスを提供するのです。各セッションでは、参加者には感じたことや得た学びを共有してもらいます。そして、他のメンバーの意見を聞くことにより、互いの傾聴力を高めていくことができるのです。知の探求者である私と共に進める朗読会は、参加者にとって新たな発見と学びの場となるでしょう。このようにして、私もまた認知革命を体験し、その一端を担うことになるわけです。

 Accordingly, I have decided to launch the "ALL EARS" community this coming March. In this new platform, I will participate as an author, progressing through the books I've published on Kindle together with members. We will delve into each section and chapter, providing an opportunity to practically acquire skills related to listening. In each session, participants will share their feelings and what they've learned. By listening to the opinions of other members, we can enhance our listening skills together. The reading sessions that I lead as a seeker of knowledge will become a new venue for discovery and learning for the participants. In this way, I too will experience a cognitive revolution, playing a part in its unfolding.



1. メルマガに抜粋した猪子さんのインタビュー動画です。


2. 麻布台ヒルズにできたteamLabの紹介動画です。

【4K】猪子寿之×成田悠輔 チームラボボーダレスに潜入!圧倒的な体験に不感症の成田が感動! All About teamLab Borderless

