
ベトナムの建築家から壁面緑化と風土を考える【本:Going Green with Vertical Landscapes】

"Going Green with Vertical Landscapes" というベトナムと日本の建築家編集による本は、現在、金沢美術工芸大学、福岡大学、明治大学、北海道科学大学などの限られた大学の図書館にしか置かれていない。

・Vertical Gardens(壁面緑化)

・In the 21st century, the architects and designers of urban spaces face great challenges in integrating nature in order to transform "cement forests" into "forest cities". Perhaps the best solution is to go green with vertical landscapes. More than just a decorative trend, this is a means of bringing life and greenery into metropolitan areas by using different framing systems to create compositions of plant life and adapt them to diverse settings, including offices, factories, parking lots, hotels, and installations within larger parks. Enriched by the reflections of the inventive protagonists of this fertile new aesthetic, Going Green with Vertical Landscapes is organized by theme and canvases early experiments conducted by famous design companies like Vo Trong Nghia Architects (VTN), Fytogreen Australia and RYUICHI ASHIZAMA ARCHITECTS and associates. All of these projects combine man-made materials , recent technologies, and diverse types of vegetation to conquer the vertical dimension. 

・New construction in Vietnam is often influenced by building typologies of the West that are not suited for the tropical climate of Southeast Asia. This has resulted in cities that are heavily reliant on air-conditioning to achieve thermal comfort. Their use further exacerbates heat waves and pollution in the cities, while straining Vietnam's electricity infrastructure, creating frequent shortages. This passive building design takes advantage of the local climate's abundant natural resources of sunlight, water, and wind to create a comfortable environment. 

・The world's rapid development raises many urban problems: less green space, electricity shortages, and floods. Major cities are facing increasing population rises, which translates to property prices going up as square footage is becoming tighter. The living environment has worsened as noise and air pollution increase, and the risks of flooding, drought, and rising temperatures are causing many cities to be uncomfortable to live in. In addition, forests are being cut0down and human activities have polluted the rivers.

・Home vegetable gardens and even small fish lakes can often provide fresh food for people and a more comfortable environment. Vegetable gardens increase the amount of arable land and ratio of self-sufficiency in food. People are naturally drawn to these spaces for relaxation and rejuvenation.

・Southeast Asia - an area well-known for its dense jungle and rich in biodiversity - the locale weather offers the ideal tropical climate for plant growth, with a considerable amount of sunshine, high temperatures, high rainfall and heavy humidity, allowing the perfect conditions to refine advancements in the development of urban green spaces.

・Simple and low-tech methods for more comfortable lodgings for urban residents and environmental benefits 

Sunlight, Wind, Water, Soil, Garden, Tree, Heat, Rain, Plants, Light, Fauna, Bamboo, Pottery, Balcony greening, Temperature, Humidity, Forest, Energy efficiency (which does not directly contribute to users) 

・Sustainable architecture should not just be limited to tangible numbers or statistics. It should also consider the intangible aspects, such as the sensory and spatial atmosphere for the people in those environments 

・In 2012, VTN Architects worked on "Green Renovation", a residential renovation project that involved covering the 15 year old house with green facades. 


・Tropical double-skin system 
To realize a low-energy-consumption building in a tropical climate, plants are placed to create another skin, which coordinates the environment of the building interior. The greenery ratio of each building is targeted to be more than 100%  of the building footprint. To gain the ratio, facades and trees are used for greening. The green layer controls and filters sunlight, wind, noise and privacy.

・Greening homes offers the opportunity for citizens to communicate and exchange their knowledge of growing plants - for food, beauty, and fragrance. Seniors will share their ideas and skills with the younger citizens; children will be exposed to the knowledge of growing vegetation and the satisfaction of producing foods by themselves. 

・The idea of integrating urban agriculture with architecture may soon become more mainstream, as understanding the source of food is becoming more and more important to people in managing their personal health and wellbeing. Hence, there is a growing need and desire for urban farming that would allow residents to be a part of the process. 

・Urban Vietnam is rapidly expanding in the modern era using symmetrical and uniform architecture (townhouses) that are creating a boring and dry architectural morphology. 

・To reduce artificial lighting as much as possible, the factory was designed to maximize natural light in the space, while shielding the spaces from the solar radiation. 

・In 2013, VTN Architects in HCMC proposed "Nostalgic Future City"
Greening HCMC would enable the retention of the unique Vietnamese urban typology while simultaneously creating a friendly city scape that would also reduce electricity shortage, flooding, and pollution. Vietnamese cities have abundant natural resources: sunlight, water and wind. As well as a strong sense of community, which is evident on the streets full of activities, a result of a high-density environment. 

・With the rapid urbanization, Vietnam has missed out on the development of suburbia, which is a common feature in most Western countries. The gardeners of suburbia desire the convenience and stimulation of the city, but have nostalgia for gardening. 

・Common green space in HCMC is limited with only 0.25% of the entire city covered in greenery. In order to raise this ratio without destroying the social fabric of the city, it is necessary to use not only roof gardens but also trees and green façades to supply more green area.

・By-products such as vegetables, fruits, and flowers contribute to health and social wealth of communities 

・VTN is currently working with the government to establish incentives, regulations, and targets to accelerate the process of greening the city. Greening regulations would reduce government costs while reducing the need to demolish existing communities to achieve a modern city.

・The increase in green projects will be a great tool against the urban heat island (UHI) effect, which is when a metropolitan area is significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas due to human activities. 

・The era of information technology 
People seem to be too immersed with the virtual world and online society, which results in physical activities being neglected
How will this, in turn, affect architectural design? How can we display the richness of the physical world through architecture?
"This greenery" 
Plants are able to reveal the conditions of our environment: wind when the leaves dance, the sense of seasonal change, the touch of leaves and grass, the colors and fragrance of flowers and fruits - all of these elements connect people with the real world. This is why greenery naturally helps to reduce stress, fills people with positive emotion, and provides a a sense of peace and happiness. 

・Trees generally have a longer lifespan than buildings 
・Although the future conditions of the earth cannot be predicted, technological development and communication with nature could be realized together with the ideas of the architects and designers.

Ryuichi Ashizawa
・Fudo (風土)
Ten years - the time required to adjust passing scenery 
One hundred years - the time required for a landscape to form, one that moves the mind
One thousand years - the interval required for the vitality of the earth to correspond with the changing of the seasons 
本:Sccenery 10 Years, Landscape 100 years and Natural Cycles 1000 Years 

・Understanding the environment 
Soil erosion, water scarcity, and climate change are all current environmental problems. Acknowledging the wisdom of nature and its capacity for regeneration, the moment humans relinquish control, will plants be able to regenerate the environment? Only by changing our perspective and standing apart from our personal views would it be possible to see the unseen. 

・Every unanswered question can be solved by nature's wisdom

・Site analysis: In order to successfully integrate nature with architecture, a great amount of research is required. When analyzing site conditions, it is important to go between the macro research area and the specific onsite conditions, analyzing both scales to fully understand the nature of the site, and not relying on administrative borders to perform site analysis. To create an environment of coexistence between nature and human beings, the basic criteria is to understand the regional ecosystem and adapting to the location's natural environment. 

・How can one create a development plan while preserving natural harmony?
Culture cannot exist without a solid foundation in the correct use of land. The characteristics of the landscape can be told by the richness of its soil. In order to restore soil fertility and recover nature, it is necessary to have a system in place that supports life. It is important to respect diversity and that requires observation of the natural systems; following its wisdom. It is important to think about the relationship and interplay of base elements such as plans, animal, buildings, water, energy; every element creates reflexive functions depending on the surrounding elements. Nature's wisdom, again, will tend towards achieving harmony.


・To avoid risk of water logging that inhibits plant growth, it is necessary to consider a soil that maximizes permeability, yet retains enough water to exist as a suitable medium for plant growth. In order to minimize the load on the structure, soil thickness was set at a minimum to enable plant growth and organism development. Soil composition was studies and developed, resulting in the following: 50% sand, 30% site topsoil and 20% crushed coconut shells as the ideal mix. 

・Maintenance and husbandry 
By achieving a natural balance in the ecosystem and suppressing the excessive presence of specific species, it is feasible to create a rich ecosystem in dynamic equilibrium 

Naman Retreat the Babylon(ダナンのホテル)


Green façade development in a tropical climate  
VTN Architects 
The building consists of three floors with 32 rooms in an L-shape layout embracing the swimming pool. Balconies overlooking the pool allow people to observe the water activities below, while still remaining inconspicuous and allowing for private relaxation behind the green façade. 
Semiprivate atmosphere immersed in nature.
Has a heat-resistant façade with a green layer. The perimeter of the building is covered by a system of vertical concrete louvers with green vines, which reduces direct sunlight while allowing for wind flow. 



Administrative building of FPT University(ハノイの大学)
VTN Architects 
FPT University, located just outside of Hanoi, will be teaching the next generation of engineers and technicians who will play an important role in developing Vietnam's sustainable future. It was the designers' goal to create a green university building that counters these problems while also instilling sustainable practices to these future generations


Atlas Hotel Hoian(ホイアンのホテル)
VTN Architects and other Vietnamese architects 
The five-story hotel includes 48 guest rooms, as well as various leisure functions, such as a restaurant, café, rooftop bar, spa, gym and swimming pool



Resort in House(ダナン)

Ho Khue & Partners 
The main façade of the house uses trees and plants to reduce noise pollution and dirt from the street. This natural filter also enhances the beauty of the neighborhood and the home.







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