
'Were I reborn' by Sugimoto Riku (The Blue Bra literature Club)

'Were I reborn' by Sugimoto Riku

tanslated by Yamane Akira

I enjoyed watching the TV drama titled "Brush Up Life." 
The characters in this drama go through their lives, being reborn over and over again by overcoming many failures in their previous lives. 


Were I reborn, I would not like to be born a human. 
I wonder what if I were reborn ? 



I have been asked the same question like this many times. 
My answer to it has never changed since my childhood. 

"I want to be a sparrow."




Were I a bird, I would be fond of looking up at the sky.
This morning I was watching pretty sparrows pecking away at their food in the grass, looking up at a crow cawing in the sky. 


One of the reasons why I wanted to be a sparrow was that I was toying with the idea of flying in the sky. On top of that, I had a dream that I would be able to live my life without standing out in the crowd. 


However, the situation surrounding sparrows has changed. It has become totally different from what it used to be.
A crowd of sparrows perching side by side on the electric wire overhead can rarely be seen. 


You might rarely see sparrows in the city. You can see no more than five or six sparrows in a quiet place where there are trees and grass. I have recently come to adore their tranquil lives. 




One day when I pass away, I would like to ask Mr. Baka-Rhythm, the receptionist, whether or not I can choose a sparrow-like life. 

"Is it possible for me to be a sparrow ?" 

