
Philosophy by Akira Yamane | 山根あきら[著]、「哲学入門」


 Why is a chair a chair?  What makes a chair a chair?  Is it really a chair? 

 When I begin to think of the mystery of its existence, I cannot help staying awake far into the night. 

 Since I was an elementary school pupil, I have toyed with the idea of what it is like to be dead. 
 What is the difference between mere absence and non-existence? 
 To be sure, you know the difference from your long experience, however, you won't be readily able to explain. 

 Philosophy is neither religion nor science. It absolutely depends upon thinking and thinking. So some say philosophy is merely figments of imagination, but I am skeptical about such a view of theirs. 

 In my opinion, the body of philosophy resides in its parts. When you have a seemingly trivial question, you mustn't think it is trivial, instead, in which case you should think over and over again till you persuade yourself. 

 When you stop thinking about things, that means you will not be able to be a philosopher. 
 But, by no means does this mean I want you to be a philosopher.  I've just said you have no talent for being a philosopher. 

 Roughly speaking, there are two types of people, that is to say, philosophers and ordinary people.  

 In order to live a peaceful life, ordinary people don't have to devote themselves to live a philosophical life. For the sake of their happiness, philosophy is no more than a nuisance that disturbs peace of mind. 

 Last but not least, what motivated me to write this book is just my curiosity. Those who don't need philosophy don't have to read my book. I hope this book will reach those who really desire to be a genuine philosopher. 

Reviews (称賛の嵐!)

Wow, this is a page turner!! 
(The Inchiki New Yorker) 

This is it !!! 
(The Sexy) 

I simply wanna say "Interesting !!"
(The Exceptionally Big Penis Press) 

(Kant-or-Cunt-Four-Letter-Words club)

Pragmatic !! 
(The Pseudo-Philosopher's Association)


