
エッセイEssay | note2年生は要注意かも


 I will write about what I thought yesterday when I was reading the articles that I quoted above. My opinion is not totally based upon them. But inspired by chibi-san and Momomaro-san, I've made up my mind to think about the reasons why a lot of noters stop posting articles on Note in a passage of a year. 

思うに、 noteには、2つの側面がある。


  In my opinion, there are two important factors in using Note. 
 (i) To be on good terms with each other
(ii) To try to read new articles and communicate with those whom you have not yet known 


Both factors are of great importance, however, it is difficult to satisfy both of them at the same time.  


 When you don't have many followers, you may be able to finish reading all the articles of your followers. But in proportion as your followers increase, it will be difficult for you to continue doing so. 


 As far as I know, those who try to diligently keep tacit rules such as "one Suki for one Suki", "one message for one message" and the like tend to stop posting an article a day suddenly. 


 Almost all creators began posting articles on Note because they had a lot of things to write. But with the passage of time, they will have more articles to read than they can read in their own alloted time. They will come to lose their initial ambition to create they had at first.



 To create something new. 
 To read new articles. 
 Which is more important for you ? 

  "Seriously but lazily" is perhaps a secret to continue creating new articles on Note.






