
Spring Decaf ・ 4月中のラインナップ&ペアリング🌸



2024 seems to be the year specialty coffee finally decided to shine a light on decaf…!  No more "death before decaf" motto for dear coffee lovers.
Roasters are upgrading their decaf lineup and sourcing the best process that fits the beans they wish to make caffeine-less. 
Following Weihong Zhang's win at the 2024 US Brewers Cup finals, using decaffeinated Typica from Finca Los Nogales, Colombia, I believe the boom of decaf will keep on growing. 🌟
James Hoffman's video on decaf hit 1M views pretty quickly also earlier this year. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out . 

(希望w)。 ジェームズ・ホフマンのデカフェに関する動画も、今年早くも100万回以上の再生回数を記録したんだ。まだ見てない人は、ぜひチェックしてみて↓ 🫶

Thoughts on decaf 

I always was a bit wary of decaf as I had the assumption they were all made using chemicals and had a weird taste. This is probably the case with most "commodity" grade decaf coffee like we get in restaurants. 
I started to appreciate decaf and see its potential after trying it from various roasters, using various non-chemicals processes.  I had a light roasted decaf from Burundi by Swiss Water x Kuma Coffee (Seattle roaster) and not long after, a decaf from Colombia using a sugarcane process, medium roast, from 19Grams (German roaster); they completely changed my perspective on such product. While I find it challenging to make a decaf "fruity", I got the impression it could be sweet, balanced, not bitter, aka a real treat! 🍭

スイスウォーター× Kuma Coffee(シアトル)からブルンジのライトローストのデカフェを試した後、それからほどなくして、ドイツの19Gramsから、サトウキビプロセスを使ったコロンビア産のミディアムローストのデカフェを試したんだ。それらは、私のデカフェに対する考え方を完全に変えてくれた。デカフェを「フルーティー」にするのは難しいと思うけど、それでも甘くてバランスの取れた、苦くない、本当にエレガントな味わいだという印象を持ったんだ!🤭

Cute packaging 💤

April Products 

I'm happy we could release a wider decaf lineup this year so anyone could experience various tastes and processes of specialty coffee decaf. 
Here's a small introduction to the lineup (and my recommended pairing). ☕

今年、より多くの人が様々な味やプロセスを体験できるように、幅広いデカフェラインアップを提供できて嬉しい。以下、ラインアップの小さな紹介と、私のおすすめのペアリングを紹介します~ 🍡

Decaf Sakura Blend x Purple Shiso Onigiri  🍙 
The dark roasted blend is sweet by itself, so the sour and tangle notes of dried-up shiso leaf in onigiri will bring a juicy touch to the coffee to keep energized. Recommended for lunch/running activity. 

Decaf Ethiopia Jimma x Lemon Pound Cake 🍋
Although it's a medium roasted decaf, the body is quite strong and the mouthfeel is like honey-glazed almonds and blueberry. I love it with a sweet lemon pound cake ! Perfect for a sunny afternoon treat. 

Decaf Costa Rica x Baked cheese-tart 🥧
It's a rare decaf coffee! The honey process allows it to be quite sweet and can be drunk easily, from morning to night. Because it has a subtle mouthfeel, I would pair it with a vanilla baked cheese-tart for best effect. 

Half-Decaf Blend x Cherry Berry Ovgo Cookie

Last but not least…! Half decaf Blend to get a kick of caffeine and a cherry buttery cookie, would have it everyday if I could ! 🍒💚

Let us know on social media your thoughts on decaf and the best you've drunk so far!  Tag us with #postcoffee 📮☕
