
Reflections on The Uses of Argument『論述の技法』省察録(9)




The purpose of these studies is to raise problems, not to solve them; to draw attention to a field of inquiry, rather than to survey it fully; and to provoke discussion rather than to serve as a systematic treatise. They are in three senses ‘essays’, being at the same time experimental incursions into the field with which they deal; assays or examinations of specimen concepts drawn rather arbitrarily from a larger class; and finally ballons d’essai, trial balloons designed to draw the fire of others.


『論述の技法』を出版したのは、特定の問題を解決するためではなく、新しい問題を提起することだ、と書き始める。それは戦略的に相手の意見を聞くための観測気球 つまりトライアルバルーン(ballons d’essai)を打ち上げて、英国の哲学者の反論(the fire)を聞いて見ようと思い、書いているのだ。


This being so, they may seem a little inconsequent. Some of the themes discussed will recur, certain central distinctions will be insisted on throughout, and for literary' reasons I have avoided too many expressions of hesitancy and uncertainty, but nothing in what follows pretends to be final, and I shall have fulfilled my purpose if my results are found suggestive. If they are also found provoking, so much the better; in that case there is some hope that, out of the ensuing clash of opinions, the proper solutions of the problems here raised will become apparent.




  What is the nature of these problems? In a sense they are logical problems. Yet it would perhaps be misleading to say that they were problems in logic, for the whole tradition of the subject would lead a reader to expect much that he will not find in these pages.

  コメント:問題となっているのは、論理学に内在する問題(problems in logic)ではなくて、論理学を巡る問題(problems about logic)だという。ではそれはなにか?

they are problems which arise with special force not within the science of logic, but only when one withdraws oneself for a moment from the technical refinements of the subject, and inquires what bearing the science and its discoveries have on anything outside itself


—how they apply in practice, and what connections they have with the canons and methods we use when, in everyday life, we actually assess the soundness, strength and conclusiveness of arguments.

-また、日常生活で実際に議論の健全性、強さ、説得力を評価する際に使用する規範や方法と論理学がどのような関係があるのか、などが問題になる。つまり、論理学を使った論証は現在技術的に非常に進んでいるが、その論理学の技術的な洗練とは関係ないところで重大なことが起こっている。論理学の議論は日常の問題を論述するときに役に立たない。それが問題なのである。ここで、日常生活の(in everyday life)以下のフレーズが非常に大切になる。解説をしておきたい。

in everyday life, we actually assess the soundness, strength and にconclusiveness of arguments.

soundness 健全性
strength 強さ
conclusiveness 結論としての収まり

コメント: これは何をいっているのか?先を読んでみよう。

Must there be any such connections? Certainly the man-in-the-street (or the man-out-of-the-study) expects the conclusions of logicians to have some application to his practice; and the first words of the first sys­tematic treatise on the subject seem to justify his expectation.


‘As a start’, says Aristotle, ‘we must say what this inquiry is about and to what subject it belongs; namely, that it is concerned with apodeixis [i.e. the way in which conclusions are to be established] and belongs to the science (episteme) of their establishment.’

Πρώτον είπεΐν περί τί καί τίνος έστίν ή σκέφις, οτι. περί άπόδειξιν καί επιστήμης αποδεικτικής"


First, he said about what and what the thought was about, that is, about proof and science of evidence."

‘we must say what this inquiry is about and to what subject it belongs; namely, that it is concerned with apodeixis [i.e. the way in which conclusions are to be established] and belongs to the science (episteme) of their establishment.’


apodeixis (結論の出し方)

よく分からないので、Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy でapodeixisをひいてみると次のように説明される。参考にすると、

A demonstration (apodeixis) is “a deduction that produces knowledge”. Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics contains his account of demonstrations and their role in knowledge. From a modern perspective, we might think that this subject moves outside of logic to epistemology. From Aristotle’s perspective, however, the connection of the theory of sullogismoi with the theory of knowledge is especially close.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Aristotle’s Logicから該当の箇所を読んでいこう。




A deduction is speech (logos) in which, certain things having been supposed, something different from those supposed results of necessity because of their being so. (Prior Analytics I.2, 24b18–20)
Each of the “things supposed” is a premise (protasis) of the argument, and what “results of necessity” is the conclusion (sumperasma).



The core of this definition is the notion of “resulting of necessity” (ex anankês sumbainein). This corresponds to a modern notion of logical consequence: X results of necessity from Y and Z if it would be impossible for X to be false when Y and Z are true. We could therefore take this to be a general definition of “valid argument”.

この定義の核心は、「必然の結果」(ex anankês sumbainein)という概念である。これは、現代の論理的帰結の概念に相当する。




コメント: さて、もう一度、トゥールミンの英文に戻る。

‘we must say what this inquiry is about and to what subject it belongs; namely, that it is concerned with apodeixis [i.e. the way in which conclusions are to be established] and belongs to the science (episteme) of their establishment.’



すると、トゥールミンが最初に引用したPrioa Analyticsの冒頭のギリシャ語は次のような意味になってくる。



By the twentieth century a.d. it may have become possible to question the connection, and some would perhaps want to say that ‘logical demonstration’ was one thing, and the establish­ment of conclusions in the normal run of life something different.


コメント: となる。なるほど、論理的実証だけでは説得力のある結論はだせない、と言っているわけだ。ではどうすれば説得的な結論が出せるのか?

But when Aristotle uttered the words I have quoted, their attitude was not yet possible. For him, questions about ‘apodeixis’ just were questions about the proving, making good or justification—in an everyday sense—of claims and conclusions of a kind that anyone might have occasion to make; and even today, if we stand back for once from the engrossing problems of technical logic, it may still be important to raise general, philosophical questions about the practical assessment of arguments.

しかし、ここでトゥールミンが引用した言葉をアリストテレスが発した大昔には、論理的実証だけで説得的な結論は出せない、ということは出来なかった。というのも、アリストテレスにとって、「アポデイ クシス」つまり結論をだす方法に関する問題は、誰もが主張する可能性のある主張や結論を、日常的な意味 で証明し、正当化することに関する問題であった。つまり当時の日常生活において問題の結論をだすにはアポデイ クシスで十分だったと、トゥールミンは書いているのだ。そして、彼は続ける。

This is the class of questions with which the present essays are concerned; and it may be surprising to find how little progress has been made in our understanding of the answers in all the centuries since the birth, with Aristotle, of the science of logic.

アリストテレスによって論理学が誕生して以来、何世紀もの間、アポデイ クシスで正しいとされれば、日常生活においても、正しいとする考えに疑問を示すことはなかった。

コメント: このように著者が説明するときには、当然この説明とは別の意見をトゥールミンは持っていると言うことだ。読み進めていこう。

Yet surely, one may ask, these problems are just the problems with which logic ought to be concerned?


Are these not the central issues from which the logician starts, and to which he ought continually to be re­turning?


About the duties of logicians, what they ought to do or to have been doing, I have neither the wish nor the right to speak. In fact, as we shall discover, the science of logic has throughout its history tended to develop in a direction leading it away from these issues, away from practical questions about the manner in which we have occasion to han­dle and criticise arguments in different fields, and towards a condition of complete autonomy, in which logic becomes a theoretical study on its own, as free from all immediate practical concerns as is some branch of pure mathematics; and even though at all stages in its history there have been people who were prepared to raise again questions about the application of logic, some of the questions vital for an understanding of this application have scarcely been raised.



コメント: つまり、論理学者は論理的な思考と現実社会の関係についての研究をおこたってきた、と言うことである。以下、ざっと訳しておくと、


コメント: となる。アリストテレス的な論理学は現実の問題を解くときに役に立たなかったし、解くために新たに工夫されることも無かった、と述べているのだ。ここまで理解して次の文章を一気に読んでみよう。

If things have worked out this way, I shall argue, this has been at least partly because of an ambition implicit in Aristotle’s opening words: namely, that logic should become a formal science—an episteme. The propriety of this ambition Aristotle’s successors have rarely questioned, but we can afford to do so here; how far logic can hope to be a formal science, and yet retain the possibility of being applied in the critical assessment of actual arguments, will be a central question for us. In this introduction I want to remark only on two effects which this programme for logic has had; first, of distracting attention from the problem of logic’s application; secondly, of substituting for the questions to which that problem would give rise an alternative set of questions, which are probably insoluble, and which have certainly proved inconclusive.

コメント: ざっと訳しておこう

In this introduction I want to remark only on two effects which this programme for logic has had:

コメント: つまり、この序文で、アリストテレスの論理プログラムがもたらした2つの効果に絞って、問題を議論したい。


2番目のアリストテレス効果への対応: 第二に、アリストテレスの論理学の形式科学か(汎用化)を否定すると、いろいろな問題が起こってくると思われる。それらを解決するために、一連の新しい質問を行いたい。


How has this come about? If we take it for granted that logic can hope to be a science, then the only question left for us to settle is, what sort of science it can hope to be.



About this we find at all times a variety of opinions. There are those writers for whom the implicit model seems to be psychology: logic is concerned with the laws of thought—not perhaps with straightforward generalisations about the ways in which people are as a matter of fact found to think, since these are very varied and not all of them are entitled equally to the logician’s attention and respect.



But just as, for the purpose of some of his inquiries, a physiologist is entitled to put on one side abnormal, deviant bodily processes of an exceptional character, and to label them as ‘pathological’, so (it maybe suggested) the logician is concerned with the study of proper, rational, normal thinking processes, with the working of the intellect in health, as it were, rather than disease, and is accordingly entitled to set aside as irrelevant any aberrant, pathological arguments.



For others, logic is a development of sociology rather than psychol­ogy': it is not the phenomena of the individual human mind with which the logician is concerned, but rather the habits and practices devel­oped in the course of social evolution and passed on by parents and teachers from one generation to another.



Dewey, for instance, in his book Logic: the Theory of Enquiry, explains the character of our logical principles in the following manner:
Any habit is a way or manner of action, not a particular act or deed. When it is formulated it becomes, as far as it is accepted, a rule, or more generally, a principle or ‘law’ of action. It can hardly be denied that there are habits of inference and that they may be formulated as rules or principles.



コメント: だんだん論理学を一つのエピステーメとすることが難しいという状況に議論をトゥールミンは進めていく。次を読んでみよう。

Habits of inference, in other words, begin by being merely customary, but in due course become mandatory or obligatory. Once more the distinc­tion between pathological and normal habits and practices may need to be invoked. It is conceivable dial unsound methods of argument could retain their hold in a society, and be passed on down the generations, just as much as a constitutional bodily deficiency or a defect in individual psychology; so it may be suggested in this case also that the logician is justified in being selective in his studies. He is not simply a sociologist of thought; he is rather a student of proper inferring-habits and of rational canons of inference.


The need to qualify each of these theories by adding words like ‘proper’ or ‘rational’ has led some philosophers to adopt a rather dif­ferent view. Perhaps, they suggest, the aim of the logician should be to formulate not generalisations about thinkers thinking, but rather max­ims reminding thinkers how they should think.



Logic, they argue, is like medicine—not a science alone, but in addition an art. Its business is not to discover laws of thought, in any scientific sense of the term ‘law’, but rather laws or rules of argument, in the sense of tips for those who wish to argue soundly: it is the art de penser, the ars conjectandi, not the science de la pensee or scientia conjectionis.


the art de penser
the ars conjectandi 『予想術』
Ars Conjectandi(ラテン語で「予想の芸術」の意)は、ヤコブ・ベルヌーイによって書かれ、彼の死後8年経った1713年に彼の甥であるニクラウス・ベルヌーイが出版した組合せ論および数学的確率に関する書物『予想術』。この本は、組合せ論的な話題とは別に、大数の法則の最初のバージョンなど、確率論の中心的な考えを集約しており、多くの数学史家から、確率論のみならず、組合せ論全般における重要な歴史的ランドマークと称されてきた。
science de la pensee
scientia conjectionis

From this point of view the implicit model for logic becomes not an explanatory science but a technology, and a textbook of logic becomes as it were a craft manual. ‘If you want to be rational, here are the recipes to follow.’


