



提供される食品には、パルシステムからのお米3kg、むすびえを通じて企業連携で提供されたハウス食品からのバーモントカレー、そして港区リサイクルセンターからの少しずつではありますが防災備蓄品やお菓子などが含まれています。また、港区高齢者支援課から「敬老の日」のご長寿のお祝いの品に港区長 武井雅昭様からのお米は、当日の恵方巻きに活用される予定です。




Support from the Food Bank and Warm Collaboration: Exciting News from the OHAO Project

Hello everyone!

Today, I have some wonderful news to share with you all. For our event on February 3rd, we have received a generous donation of various food items from the Food Bank. This initiative is aimed at reducing food waste (food loss), and it has been made possible through the kind support of various businesses.

Furthermore, amidst the impact of the yen depreciation causing rising food costs in Japan, I am genuinely delighted that this support can be of even a small help in everyone's lives.

The provided food items include 3kg of rice from Pal System, Vermont Curry from House Foods, which was arranged through Musubie, and disaster preparedness supplies and snacks from the Minato Ward Recycling Center. Additionally, we have received gifts for the elderly as part of the "Respect for the Aged Day" celebration, courtesy of Mr. Masaaki Takei, the Director of the Minato Ward Elderly Support Division. These items will be used for our Eho-maki sushi rolls on the day of the event.

I'd like to highlight that Mr. Yuasa-sama, the representative of Musubie, was my teacher during my participation in the 48th term of the Isshin Juku program, where I learned about social issues and child cafeterias. I feel extremely fortunate to have this connection.

With this wonderful support and cooperation, our event is set to become even more meaningful and heartwarming. I sincerely hope that it will be a day that touches people's hearts with inspiration and kindness.

I want to express my gratitude for everyone's warm support, and I wish you all wonderful days ahead.
